Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou e te whānau
As you will be aware, on Wednesday the Prime Minister announced changes to the vaccine mandate for education workers and volunteers working in our school. As we work through the implications of these changes for our school, I want to reassure you that all of our current staff meet the current vaccine requirements, as does anybody working in our school whether they be an outside provider, student teacher or volunteer.
As we move forward we will clarify the school’s position on the changes made on Wednesday, however it is most likely that we will follow the Government’s requirements and guidelines just as we have worked hard to do throughout the pandemic. Our Board meets next week and will consider some of the issues involved.
We are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our children and staff and will continue to follow the protocols and practices we have had in place this term. We are pleased with the low level of Covid in the school and hope that we can maintain these levels moving forward. To ensure this our current practice and systems will remain in place through to the end of term. This means we will keep our drop off and pick up protocols and parents will be asked to stay off site. The school will remain operating in our whānau bubbles with split lunch and play times, our teaching teams will remain separated, and the mask mandate will remain in place as will our other hygiene protocols.
We hope that on our return to school in term 2 we will be able to relax the measures we have in place and return to relatively normal circumstances. This of course will be dictated to us by the overall position the country finds itself in.
Whānau Waiheke Camp
Last week saw the first of our EOTC overnight camps take place. I want to commend the exceptional work of Renee Heasley and the Waiheke Team for making this camp possible. A tremendous amount of extra work and thought went into ensuring the children and parents were well prepared and that the risk of covid transmission at the camp was minimised.
I would like to also thank the exceptional group of parents who supported the camp. They were outstanding in their support of the children and the activities. In addition to the work they carried out over the two days they also underwent a rapid antigen test prior to going to camp to ensure the children’s safety.
EOTC Camp experiences build lifelong memories for children and I am very proud that in a time when it would have been too easy to not go, we decided to go ahead. I look forward to the year 6 camp in Week 9 and the year 4 camp in week 2 of term 2.
A huge thank you to our Board who met in an emergency meeting just prior to the camp to examine the safety protocols and assess the viability of the camp proceeding. The Board did a wonderful job and put some extra requirements in place. I know you will join me in applauding the work they do ensuring the safety of your children.
The Whānau Waiheke children had a fabulous time at the YMCA Lodge in Shakespear Park, Whangaparaoa. They pushed the boundaries and gave of their very best in all the activities and challenges they were confronted with.
Great job everyone involved.
Please do not hesitate to contact on any matter. My email address
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Jacinth, Ray & Amelie Rm 4, Charlie Rm 5, Isaac Rm 6, Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received online certificates from their class teachers: Millie, Peyton H, Sophia, Mitchell Rm 3, Bella, Louritz, Norris, Leandri Rm 4, Indie, Charlie, Calum, Ella, Rm 5, Dherya, Kristina, Reuben, Senja Rm 6, Tristan, Victoria, Sebastian, Hannah Rm 7, Olivia, Casen, Rhianna, Fletcher Rm 8, Zoe, Mateo, Cara, Dylan Rm 9, Declan, Kayla, Toby, Savannah Rm 10, Amy, Johandre, Lily, Wendy Rm 12, Xavier, Isla, Dylan H, Katia Rm 13, Maya T, Ben, Scott, Rosa Rm 14, Kenzie, Harry, Amelia, Sophia Rm 15, Kaysen, Olivia, Lochlin, Skye Rm 16, Abdullah, Violet Rm 19, Ella, Ines Rm 20, Theo, Mila, Joshua, Lucy Rm 21, Hao, Xander, Jack, Joni Rm 22, Tom, Charlotte, Levine, Ari, Rm 23, Oliver, Nadia, Mila, Zane Rm 24, Archie, Sophie V, Jared, Jaime Rm 25 Connor, Zayra, Jayden, Lydia Rm 26, Zachary, Mikayla, Aspen Rm 27 Ka pai!!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 30th March @ 7pm. This meeting will be held online. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 16th May @ 9.15am in the staffroom.
JOB OPPORTUNITY – Learning Assistant required to work with a child who has high learning and health needs as well as working some time supporting teachers within the learning team. This is a term time only fixed term position for as long as funding continues (expected long term) and would start at 15 hours 3 days a week with the possibility of being extended to 25 hours 5 days per week. The applicant would need to be flexible and experience in this area would be beneficial. All applications and inquiries please contact the Principal at Torbay School
FINAL REMINDER : TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE ORDER – If your child plays sports for the school and you would like to purchase one they are available on the online shop under the sports tab. Orders will be closing on Friday 1st April @ 3pm. These hoodies can be worn at any Torbay School sports event (Rippa, Netball Tournaments etc) but not as a replacement for our school uniform.
PHOTOLIFE PORTRAITS/CLASS PHOTOS/SIBLING PHOTOS – TUESDAY 7th JUNE 2022 PhotoLife will be visiting our school on Tuesday 7th June. Every child will be photographed individually and in their class group. When photos are ready for printing, students will bring home their own unique shoot key. Simply follow the steps to view and purchase your photos. Sibling photo request forms can be collected from the office in Term 2. Please complete ONE form for EACH family and return to school before photo day.
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 1 – Lucky Book Club Orders have gone home with your child. ISSUE 2 – Order forms have gone home, closing date for orders is Monday 28th March @ 3pm. Every order provides valuable resources for our library and other book resources for our school.
If your child is sick please stay home and follow the guidelines for the illness and stay home for the recommended time frame set by the Ministry of Health.
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- HIGH TEMPERATURES: For more information about fevers click here
- COUGHS, COLDS & COVID: Please ensure you stay home and get tested if you are displaying symptoms of COVID. For more information about Covid and symptoms click here.
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
WHEELS DAY – Wheels day is on every Friday for all Y4-& 5 learners. Wheels day includes all wheels ie Scooters, roller skates/blades, SORRY NO BIKES or SKATEBOARDS PLEASE. You will only be able to ride if you have your helmet and shoes. Please note: Wheels day is ONLY on Waterwise days which is weather dependent.
2022/23 ENROLMENTS – If your child or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone and who is turning 5 this year please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
CHANGE OF DETAILS – If you have moved house or have new contact details, or if your child has a new medical condition or older issues which have changed or are no longer a problem, please advise us so we can update our records.
EDGE PARENT PORTAL – Parents and Caregivers can check information and download school reports through the parent portal via Edge. If any of the information is incorrect please contact the school office so we can update any changes.
Check out some self portraits from Room 7
Calling All Juniors to sign up for the 2022 season!
Marist NH Junior Rugby caters for boys & girls from 5 to 13 years old, tackle and rippa.
Please register online at:
Enquiries can be made to