Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tena Koutou e te whānau
Welcome Back! It was wonderful to see the children coming through the gate on Monday morning with huge smiles on their faces. I hope you were able to have some quality family time during the break.
We have another busy term ahead and here are a few important events and dates:
Book Fair: The Scholastic book fair starts on Thursday afternoon. This is an opportunity to purchase some books for your children and at the same time support the school. Each year our stock of books is boosted by the proceeds of the book fair.
Whānau Feedback: Next Tuesday and Wednesday parents and caregivers have the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss the children’s progress at school. This is a time to discuss any aspect of your child’s schooling. If you have not booked yet I urge you to do so.
These meetings are an opportunity to reflect on your child’s end-of-term report, self-assessment form, and their progress during the first two terms at school. Conversations may cover all three learning areas; Skills, Values and Knowledge and should also focus on the children’s wellbeing. This is a great time to further build your relationship with your child’s teacher and share their achievements and specific needs.
These will be held on;
- Tuesday 30th July 3.00pm to 7.30pm
- Wednesday 31st July 3.00pm to 7.30pm
We encourage students to attend as it is often valuable to have three-way conversations but it is not compulsory. Meetings are held in your child’s classroom and we ask you to arrive prior to your scheduled time and respect the time limit of 15 minutes to ensure that queues do not develop outside of classrooms.
A creche will be available in the library where you can leave students, and other siblings, to be cared for while you attend your appointment(s). We look forward to seeing you at our Whānau Feedback evenings.
Important Information:
- On both Whānau Feedback days, all students will be dismissed from the hall at 3pm. Year 1 and 2 students will need to be collected by their caregiver from the hall.
- Student attendance in these meetings is optional. For safety reasons we ask that you do not leave your children to play on the playground or roam the school grounds while you attend your appointment(s). Any children at school during this time must be with their parents or in the creche provided in the library.
- Bookings / changes for Whānau Feedback meetings can be made until 11am on the day of the booking. If your circumstances unexpectedly change and you cannot make your appointment, please call the office so that we can advise the teacher of the cancellation.
- The Scholastic Book Fair is being held in the office foyer (from 25th July to 31st July) and will be open late for parents and students to visit on Whānau Feedback evenings.
- To book your Whānau Feedback meeting, please go to select make a booking and enter the event code n45g9.
- Enter your details – email address and each of your child’s details
- Enter your child’s year level and select the teacher’s name for each child
- Choose a suitable time – remember when booking a meeting to allow sufficient time between appointments.
- If you have further questions or need assistance to book, please call the office on (09) 473 8603
Whānau Hui
Our regular Whānau Hui will be held in the staff room on Monday 29th.
Quiz night
Our PTA Quiz Night will be held on Saturday 10th August.
School Disco
Friday 23rd August
Jump Jam Regionals
Saturday 31st August
School Production
16th – 19th September
A huge shout out to our PTA for their work in supporting Red Nose Day at the end of last term. It was a wonderful day supporting a wonderful cause that brought our school together once again. We are so lucky to have the supportive dedicated group of parents that make up our PTA team.
Drop off and Pick up Protocols.
I thank you for acknowledging and sticking to our drop off and pick up protocols, while they may seem pedantic, they are important to us and the smooth running of the school.
- Please make sure you do not enter the school until 2.55pm in the afternoon. Many people are now coming in at 2.50pm and this s disruptive to our teachers and children at the end of the day.
- “See you later Alligator” When you hear our little snippet of this song at 8.50am it is your signal to leave the school premises, please do!. It is surprisingly disruptive to have parents standing outside classes and delays the smooth start to the day that we as teachers like.
- And if you arrive after 8.50am please allow your children to walk into school alone.
By adhering to these rules, you will help us maximise your children’s learning time!
I regrettably have to inform you that Jen Dawe has accepted a position in private industry working for an IT company that services schools. Jen will be leaving Torbay School on Friday the 23rd of August.
Jen has been a valued member of the Torbay Staff since 2016 and we are very sad to see her move on. This sadness is mixed with excitement for her as she embarks on a new career in a field that she is passionate about. We wish her all the very best and thank her for the 8 1/2 years of exceptional service she has given to the school.
I am pleased to be able to announce that Jon Bettin will replace Jen Dawe in the Waiheke team. Jon is an experienced teacher who worked at Torbay School in 2020 and 2021. Jon moved away for personal and family reasons and has continued developing his career in the Waikato Region. We are pleased to welcome him back and look forward to working with him once again. Jon will take the class over on the 26th of August.
Changes of this nature can bring challenges however I am confident that Renee as Waiheke Team Leader along with Jen, Sophie and Jon will make the transition a smooth one.
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Jayne Gibson to the position of learning assistant in Whānau Tiritiri. Jayne is a very experienced Teacher Aide and comes to us from Wairau Special school. Jayne will take up her position on Monday 29th of July, we look forward to working with her in this role.
Thank you all for your continued support of everything we do here at Torbay School. Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss any matter.
Nga mihi nui
na Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Xavier, Isaac & Bella Rm 10, Rory, Freya, Alex & Maddie Rm 9, Mason B & Liam Rm 28, Annie Rm 5, Jolie, Oliva & Ella Rm 17 Keep up the good work!