Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC


The children have returned to school excited and ready to learn. Casual discussions with Teachers indicate a very positive start to the term that will be full of opportunities for them to be involved in extra curricular activities.  Winter sports are getting under way and we look ahead to Year 4 Camp, a number of PTA events and other cultural opportunities for the children to participate in.

Our focus for staff professional development this year is the continued refresh of the curriculum with a specific focus on Literacy and Maths. In term one the staff had several days of learning dedicated to developing our skills in the delivery of reading and writing and also supporting students who are speakers of other languages. This work will continue this term. We will also be starting a programme of PLD based around the delivery of the Maths curriculum with a staff only day followed by several workshops designed to refine classroom practice and ultimately impact outcomes for your children.

Staff Only Day

This is a reminder that our staff only day will be held on Friday 17th of May. On this day our PLD programme will be focused on the delivery of the maths curriculum and all of our staff will be involved. We thank you for making alternative arrangements for the care of your children on that day. SKIDS our out of school care programme will be operating on that day.

Motuihe Camp

Last term saw our Kawau, Waiheke and Rakino teams complete their respective outdoor education experiences and this term Motuihe, Year 4, will hold their camp next week at Peter Snell Camp in Whangaparāoa. Thank you to all those parents who have volunteered to support the camp as helpers. These events would not take place without this support. I also want to acknowledge the work of our staff, teachers, management and admin staff who work collaboratively to ensure that these camps are successful. I know that the Motuihe Team will have a terrific experience next week.

Pink Shirt Day

On Thursday 16th of May we will be celebrating Pink Shirt day with a mufti day. Pink Shirt Day is about working together to stop bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusiveness. As a school we strongly support this kaupapa and while it is not easy to ensure that any school or community is free from aggressive and bullying behaviour we work hard to make our school a safe place for children to be.

We ask for your support over the next two weeks as we lead up to Pink Shirt Day and that you talk to your children about how to manage friendships and playground conflict. One of the central platforms is that children should seek support when faced with these issues. Support from our peer mediators and staff who are on duty is always available in the playground and children should feel confident about speaking to their teacher or other staff member about any problems they may be facing.

Please also take the time to talk to your children about being kind to others, making sure they are including people in their games and are considerate of other children around them.

Also let your children know that bullying can be an overused word and that one event does not mean another child is necessarily a bully. Please use this link to the Pink Shirt Day website to develop you own understanding of what you or your children can do when faced with bullying

Red Nose Day

This year we will be celebrating and supporting Red Nose Day. We will be raising funds to donate to cure kids who help fund child health research. Lucca Holecliffe a student at Torbay School is a cure kids ambassador after going through her own journey with cancer. You can read Lucca’s story on the Cure Kids website Lucca’s mother Jordanna is running the New York Marathon to help raise funds for Cure Kids and we are backing her, all funds raised through the school will go directly to Cure Kids. Our PTA is also getting in behind this cause and will be running a car boot sale and carwash on Sunday 16th June look out for details to come.

Other Key dates coming up:

  • School Disco    –   Friday 24th May
  • Kings Birthday Holiday – Monday 3rd June
  • Car Boot sale and Car wash – Sunday 16th June
  • Kahui Ako Matariki Celebration Held at Torbay School – Thursday 27th June
  • Matariki School Holiday – Friday 28th June
  • Red Nose Day – Friday 5th July

Dropping Children Off

Thank you for following our systems and protocols in the morning and afternoons. Leaving quickly in the morning after drop off is important so the children settle down into their day and not coming onto the school site until 2.55 in the afternoon makes the end of the day far more ordered for the children and the teachers. We thank you for your cooperation.

I noticed while at the Alexander Rd gate in the morning some parents stopping in the middle of the road and dropping children off. This is an unsafe practice and causes congestion on the road. Please do not do it. If you wish to drop your children, please use the drop off zone on Deep Creek Rd.


We are grateful for your support in all that we do here at school. Please keep our teachers informed of anything that may affect your child’s achievement or wellbeing. Please do not hesitate to contact me on any matter.

Nga mihi nui

Gary O’Brien


[email protected]


KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week:  Arthur Y & Alex Rm 9, Harry Rm 7, Ben, Rosie & Eddie Rm 8,   Keep up the good work! 


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