Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou e te whānau
Nathan Wallis
On June 20th at 7.30pm Nathan Wallis will be delivering a presentation to our wider community. Nathan is a celebrated neuroscientist who specialises in Education. This evening has been organised by our PTA and has been delayed from last year. I urge you to attend this event, Nathan is an engaging speaker and his presentation will help parents understand our play based (Wā Kitea) approach to learning in the junior school.
Book your tickets here for Nathan Wallis
Teacher Only Day – 20th June On the same day our staff will be involved in a Teacher Only day with Nathan and we thank you for making other arrangements for your children’s care on that day.
Return to School – It has been fabulous to see parents back on the school grounds and we thank you for complying with our requests around entry and exit times and mask wearing. There is a new energy in the school and we are finally feeling as though “we are back”. We ask that you encourage your Year 4 – 6 children to wear masks in class. We are seeing increases in Covid cases right across Auckland schools and a lot of other influenza, cold type illnesses amongst staff and children. We need your support to minimise the risk of transmission to avoid disruption to our school.
Sports – Our sporting teams are well underway and I am particularly thrilled to see all our year 5 and 6 basketball teams contesting a Torbay School round robin event on Friday afternoons in our hall while the ECB events centre undergoes maintenance. I would like to thank Sam Coyle (our new sports coordinator), for the time and effort he has dedicated to make this happen for our children.
Sports Shoes – Please ensure your children do not bring sports shoes with sprigs or cleats of any sort to school. They are not appropriate for use on our turf or in our hall and I also do not want them used on the field as the new grass is still bedding in, and I do not want any unnecessary damage in the early stages. Thank you for your support.
Year 4 Camp – The last of our offsite EOTC Camps was held in week 2 at Peter Snell Youth camp in Whangaparaoa. The children had a fabulous time, and I would like to celebrate our teachers and support staff from the Whānau Motuihe Team for their dedication and contributions of time and effort to make this event happen.
Camps do not happen without the support of our Admin staff ensuring that all of our boxes are ticked, the T’s crossed and the I’s dotted. Our team is particularly good at all of those things. Susan Ye, our Deputy Principal led this camp and spent endless hours ensuring everything was just right. Finally thank you to all those parents who came as helpers and stayed overnight. Without your support the camp does not happen and it is appreciated.
Thank you for your support for everything we do here at Torbay School. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any aspect of school you would like to discuss, my email is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Liam, Isabella & Oliver Rm 9 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Harrison, Isabelle, Lilah, Alfie, Maddy, Ella Rm 3, Jacinth, Lexi, Toby, Juli, Amelie, Naomi Rm 4, Charles, Coby, Emma Z, Edmund, James, Rm 5, Kiara, Varleen, Chris, Mihai, Quinn, Emma Z, Rm 6, Taymon, Ollie, Indiana, Lucia-Grace, Jesse, Odelia Rm 7, Louis, Yvonne, Rm 8, Leane, Keagan, Mila, Mia, Cuba, Shanelle Rm 9, Leon, Jasmine, Rm 10 Joseph, Aria, Paddy, Maitena, Hannah, Nathan Rm 11, Charl, Chris, Alexa, Mila, Amy, Ella Rm 12, Miles, Ares, Handre, Riley, Rosie, Katia Rm 13, Arthur, Peter, William, Isobel, Kayden, Mason Rm 14, Esme, Enoch, Miah, Joel, Annabelle, Chloe Rm 15, Kiara, Cara, Jiraiya, Lochlin, Adi, Charlie, Lauren Rm 16, Isaac, William, Jack, Makaia Rm 17, Claire J, Olivia, Morne’, Jason Rm 18, Matthew, Bede, Maxi, Charlie Rm 19, Lily, Max P, Travis, Lottie Rm 20, Ruby, Martin, Kai, Anine Rm 21, Xander, Larissa, Hunter, Ivey, Max Rm 22, Luca M, Zachary, Celeste, Lewis, Amelie, Marlon Rm 23, Gwynnie, Rowan, Kaila, Jaxon, Daniel, Michaela Rm 24, Reef, Sienna, Dar, Johanna, Corey, Xulia Rm 25, Yana, Casey, Cooper, Billie, Lilly, Ian Rm 26, Quentin, Madison, Jackson, Isobel O, Eddie, Hazel Rm 27. Well done!!
WELL DONE to one of our Year 5 students Stig Z who competed and placed 1st in the Climbing New Zealand La Sportiva National Championships! This also gives him the opportunity to be selected for the New Zealand Youth Development Squad. What a great result Stig! Keep up the good mahi!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd June @ 7pm. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 29th August @ 9.15am in the staffroom.
QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY MONDAY 6th JUNE – School will be closed on Monday 6th June due to the public holiday.
TEACHER ONLY DAY MONDAY 20th JUNE – School will be closed for all learners on this day. Fun Club will be open, please contact Fun Club direct to book in.
NATHAN WALLIS MONDAY 20th JUNE 7.30pm – 9pm. Reminder: this event will be held in the School Hall. Tickets are on sale via Eventfinda click here to purchase tickets.
WAITEMATA DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD VISION AND HEARING will be visiting on Tuesday 28th June 2022. Any children that are due to be seen will be seen on this day.
OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOKS – We have a number of overdue library books. If you have any school library books at home please send these in with your child as soon as possible. Thank you.
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 3 – Lucky Book Club Orders have closed. If you have ordered from Issue 3 they will be sent home with your child in a few weeks.
SCHOLASTIC OVER THE COUNTER CASH SALES – Unfortunately Scholastic have changed the way they do over the counter book orders. Therefore we we will no longer be taking cash book orders at the office, this is effective immediately. You can still make online orders through the Lucky Book Club LOOP here
TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE – If you ordered a sports hoodie, they have been sent home with your child.
ENROLMENTS 2022/23 – If your child, (or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone) and is turning 5 within the next 12 months, please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
ROAD SAFETY WEEK – A huge thanks to all of our parents who are following the Road Safety rules and guidelines. Your support of this for the safety of our learners and community is greatly appreciated.
PHOTOLIFE PORTRAITS/CLASS PHOTOS/SIBLING PHOTOS – TUESDAY 7th JUNE 2022 PhotoLife will be visiting our school on Tuesday 7th June. Every child will be photographed individually and in their class group. Sibling photo request forms are now available from the school office. Please complete ONE form for EACH family and return to school before photo day.
RIPPA RUGBY TOURNAMENT DAY 1 – will be held on Thursday 16th June 2022, rain save day will be on Tuesday 21st June.
HEALTH ROOM: Please do not send any children to school who are unwell.
If your child is sick please stay home and follow the guidelines for the illness and stay home for the recommended time frame set by the Ministry of Health.
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- SORE THROATS: If your child has a sore throat, please keep them at home. For more information click here
- COUGHS & COLDS: If your child has a cough and or a cold please keep your child at home. For more information click on the links coughs and colds .
- COVID: If your child is displaying signs or symptoms of Covid 19, please stay home and get tested. Click here for more information.
Check out some of our tamariki enjoying the new field!
Online Every Day with ADHD Parenting course starting on Tuesday 31 May 2022. This Online course is run over six Tuesday mornings, 9.30am – 11.45am. This is the first time we are trailing the morning time, as some people find it difficult to attend the evening courses, and we also thought it may be useful for stay at home parents.
This dates for this Online course are:
- Tuesday 31 May 2022
- Tuesday 07 June 2022
- Tuesday 14 June 2022
- Tuesday 21 June 2022
- Tuesday 28 June 2022
- Tuesday 05 July 2022
Please see the following website link for further information, or to register:
And the second Online Every Day with ADHD Parenting course is the one starting in Term 3 on Wednesday 24 August 2022. This Online course also a six week course, run on Wednesday evenings, 7.30pm – 9.45pm.
The dates for this Online course are:
- Wednesday 24 August 2022
- Wednesday 31 August 2022
- Wednesday 07 September 2022
- Wednesday 14 September 2022
- Wednesday 21 September 2022
- Wednesday 28 September 2022
Tim Bray Theatre Company SHOW 1
Badjelly the Witch by Spike Milligan adapted for the stage by Tim Bray
A kiwi favourite, oozing with comedy.
More information about this show here
Dates and venues:
The PumpHouse Theatre, Takapuna.
Term Time Season (4 – 8 July) – book here
School Holiday Season (9 – 23 July) – book here
Early Bird discount days – First four 1:00 pm of School Holiday season:
Sat 9, Mon 11, Tues 12, Wed 13 July – all 1:00 pm shows only.
Māngere Arts Centre, Mangere.
26-30 July at – book here
Early Bird discount days – for sale only until Sat 2 July 9:00 am.
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.
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