Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC


Tēnā koutou katoa

Matua Rawiri Wharemate

On Wednesday last week we were to open our new building with a Blessing and Pōwhiri, we unfortunately had to cancel this event due to the sad and unexpected passing of our school Kaumatua Rawiri Wharemate. Matua Rawiri has been working with our school for many years and for the past 2 -3 years was helping to guide our journey to build our understanding of Te ao Māori. He blessed the ground that we have built on and had been working with us to name the building. He had become a great friend of the school and cared deeply for our tamariki and the community at large. I know you will join me in sharing our heartfelt condolences with the Wharemate whānau. We will certainly miss Rawiri’s guidance.

Our New Building

Thank you to all those parents and community members who joined us last Wednesday at the opening of our new classroom block. It was a really joyous occasion and lovely to see so many of our parents take the opportunity to visit the building. We are one week into using the new building and our children and staff seem to be really enjoying the benefits of a building we are very proud of. 

Phase 2

Phase two of the project starts tomorrow with the demolition of Rooms 24 and 25. This will be followed by considerable earth works as our new car park is being constructed. This demolition includes the removal of Asbestos so please stay away from that part of the school over the weekend. Information has been distributed to the home owners adjacent to the school and information sheets about the demolition are available from the office. Following the school holidays there will be a lot of truck activity on Alexander Ave end of the school with earth being removed from the excavated site. The top gate leading to rooms 24 and 25 will be locked, therefore, please use the junior gate.

Our School will be a very busy place during the holiday break with the demolition of Rooms 19 -23, the removal of rooms 17 and 18, the moving of our senior playground, the building of our new deck and erection of a canopy on the new building. Please take care when using our site during the holidays.

Teacher Only days and PUMS

I thank you for your cooperation on our Teacher Only day in June. It was critical to have this day to facilitate a smooth transition into our new classrooms. I also thank you for your support last Thursday so that our teachers could attend the Paid Union meetings. These were important meetings as the union consults with teachers around their needs.


Congratulations to all our sports teams this term you have represented us really well. I had the pleasure of watching our team play in the mini ball final on Tuesday afternoon. They played brilliantly and narrowly lost. Their reaction was one of disappointment and pride. I was so impressed with the way they played but even more impressed with the way they reacted to the loss. 

Thank you to all the children who have represented us across numerous sports this term and thank you in particular to those parents and teachers who have coached and managed our teams. It is a demanding but rewarding task. I thank you all on behalf of the children and the parents of the children who play in those teams, without you it would not happen.


Next Thursday we will be holding our final assembly for the term, this assembly will be dedicated to farewell Katie Hills who has been on the staff at Torbay School for 16 years. Katie moves on to become Principal at Dairy Flat School. We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating Katie’s success, her time at Torbay and her future at Dairy Flat.

Nathan Wallis

I would like to urge you to attend the Nathan Wallis talk on Thursday 26th August. This event has been arranged by our PTA and will highlight the importance of play-based learning and how it enhances outcomes for our tamariki. A fundamental educational mistake that New Zealand society has made over the last few decades, is thinking that the earlier we get ready to be seven, by learning literacy and numeracy, the better our tamariki will be. Come along and find out why this is not the case. 

Teacher Only Day

Following Nathan’s presentation to the community on Thursday night he will be working with our teachers at our Term 3 Teacher Only day to be held on Friday 27th of August. We appreciate you making alternative arrangements for the care of your children on that day.

I thank you for your continued support of everything we do here at Torbay School. Please do not hesitate to contact me on any matter.

Ngā mihi nui

Gary O’Brien


[email protected]


KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Indie & Alfie Rm 16, Fiona Rm 25, Wota Rm 26 Awesome work! 

RICC REWARDS, for displaying our C.A.R.E Values – Nicole Rm 5, Sebastian Rm 6, Edmund Rm 12, Theo Rm 13, Cameron Rm 19, Toby Rm 20, Chantelle & Oliver Rm 24 Ka Rawe!   


FAREWELL CELEBRATION ASSEMBLY – Please join us on Thursday 8th July at 1.30pm in the hall for a special assembly and to bid farewell to one of our Deputy Principals Katie Hills.

MEETINGS – The next PTA Meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th July @ 7.30pm in the staffroom. The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th August @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 30 August at 9.30am in the Staffroom.

TEACHER ONLY DAY – The school will be closed for learners on Friday 27th August.  Fun Club will be open on this day. 

FUN CLUB SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMME – Fun Club at Torbay School July School holiday programme Week one 12-16, Week two 19-23rd July. 7.30am – 5.30pm. We will be doing crafts and also don’t forget to bring your scooter or bike to participate in obstacle courses and a mini golf challenge. Check our planner out on our website to download a booking form and email. Enquiries Sandie 021-329-626 or 021-399-626.

2022 ENROLMENTS – If your child or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone and who is turning 5 next year please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).

JULY ROLL RETURN – Thursday 1st July 2021 we are required by the Ministry of Education to complete a roll count of all students. This is to confirm the numbers enrolled at every school in New Zealand. If your child was absent yesterday, please ensure you complete an absentee form via our website, or you can send a note or email to the school office with an explanation for their absence – [email protected]. Thank you!

END OF TERM MUFTI & FUN MORNING TEA, GOLD COIN DONATION – On Friday 9th July the student leaders will be holding a fun morning tea with games galore! All food and activities will cost 50c.  The funds raised from this morning tea will go directly to the ‘Helping Hollie’ fund. There will also be a PTA sausage sizzle too, please see flyers under the PTA section of this newsletter.
PHOTOLIFE CLASS, PORTRAIT & SIBLING PHOTOS – Reminder that our School’s FREE DELIVERY period expires at MIDNIGHT on SUNDAY 18th July 2021. Place your order within this time frame to receive FREE DELIVERY via the School. 

TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIES– Hoodies have been ordered and we expect these to arrive the first week of Term 3 (26th July). Hoodies will be given to your child once they arrive.

SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on the following Thursdays, 12th August and 23rd September from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office. If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate, please bring them to the school office.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR – We have our annual Scholastic Book fair coming on Thursday 29th July (Term 3) and it will run for one week. This will be held in the School foyer. 

THANK YOU – A massive thank you to New World Long Bay who very kindly donated platters of food for our opening ceremony on 23rd June. Your support is greatly appreciated.


UNIFORM – ALL NAMED PLEASE Throughout the term our lost property area becomes overwhelmed! To help with this, clearly naming all items including shoes makes it easy for us to return them to their owners. We appreciate your assistance with this.

DROP OFF ZONE:  We have had a number of complaints about parking in the Drop off Zone. The Drop-off Zone is a two minute stop only which means NO PARKINGPlease DO NOT park and take your child into school.  If your child requires assistance to get to the school gate, then please park on the road. Please be courteous to other drivers when using the drop off zone and please ensure you follow the road rules and adhere to the left hand turn only.

HEALTH ROOM:  Please do not send any children to school who are unwell. 

If your child is sick please stay home and follow the guidelines for the illness and stay home for the recommended time frame set by the Ministry of Health. We have had recent cases of Impetigo (also known as school sores) along with tummy bugs and general winter coughs and colds reported. Please remind your children the importance of washing their hands before eating and after using the bathroom to help prevent the spread.

  • VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
  • COUGHS & COLDS: If your child has a cough and or a cold please keep your child at home. For more information click on the links coughs and colds
  • HEAD LICE: We have had a few cases of head lice reported in the school please check your children’s head for head lice and treat where necessary.


MATARIKI – Matariki is a cluster of stars that can usually be seen in June or July heralding the start of a new year. Matariki comes from the phrase ‘Ngā Mata o Te Ariki Tāwhirimātea’, the eyes of the god Tāwhirimātea (God of Winds). According to the pūrakau (story), when Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatūānuku, the earth mother, were separated by their son Tānemāhuta, Tāwhirimātea, was the only child that disagreed. He fought with his brother Tūmatauenga, the God of War and Humanity and the only sibling willing to fight him. Tāwhirimātea was defeated by Tūmatauenga and became so angry that he tore out his eyes and threw them into the heavens.

There are nine stars in the Matariki cluster. Each star holds a certain significance over our wellbeing and environment, as seen from the Māori view of the world. Traditionally, Matariki was a time to remember those who have passed away. Matariki was also a time for singing, dancing and feasting as crops had been harvested and seafood and birds had been collected and there was plenty of food in the storehouses.

This year the best time to view Matariki and to celebrate it is from the 2nd of July.

To see what is on during the Matariki Festival please visit

BARBARA KENDALL visits Torbay School – We recently were very lucky to host Olympic Gold Medalist Barbara Kendall.
The Year 4-6 teams were fortunate enough to hear about her journey to win 3 Olympic Medals in Wind Surfing.  It was such a great privilege to have her come and talk to us. She was able to show us how the Olympic and Torbay School Values all interweave to help you set goals for yourself and be the best you can be! Thanks so much Barbara!

Below is some writing from our Year 4’s

The best things about our new classroom
One thing I love about our new classroom is the stools because the year six’s use to have similar ones. Another thing I love about our new classroom is Z-chairs because you can sit being ergonomic and working. 3 more things I like about the new classroom are the whiteboard tables because the teachers and students can just write on the tables.
2 more things I love about the new classroom is the carpet because it is flexible, comfortable, colourful and fluffy, room 24 & 25s carpet was horrible. It was this type of greeny bluish colour and it had heaps of stains.
1 more thing I like about our new classroom is the sound effect because if you are in room 21 & 22 you can’t hear a thing.
Mia B, Room 19 Year 4 

The best things about our new classroom
One thing I love is the learning jungle room. It has two tables and a big window that you can see out to the fitness trail.
Another thing I love is the Z-chairs. They are life changes you can sit on the floor with one then boom, comfy and very flexible.
The classrooms are very luxurious, comfy, modern, colourful and big.
The classrooms have way more space then we had in room 24 & 25.
The learning jungle is much bigger than the green room in  24 & 25.
There’s more colour then we had in our old classrooms and the carpet is cleaner and has no brown stains.
Makaia S Room 19 Year 4

My favourite things about the new classroom
1.Z chairs
In the new classroom something that you sit with, on the floor and your weight balances a table in front of you
and you can work on top of.
2.Green room
Back in room 24-25 there was a green room but it could only fit six people max, now there’s a new one that can fit both room 19 and 20!
Did you know that in the new classroom there are couches!
By Daniel B Room 20 Year 4

The best things about our new classroom block is that there are way cooler furniture like couches, the tables are more colourful and fancy, like whiteboard tables are. We also have a TV! The learning jungle is so huge compared to the green room in room 25/24.  Room 24/25 was a bit boring because it wasn’t colourful it was just like your ordinary classroom, but the new classroom I could even live here it’s insanely extraordinary. I can’t wait until I’m a year 5. One more thing is that 25/24 are much closer it’s like 52 students and 2 teachers in one classroom.
By Rhys G Room 20 Year 4 

Check out the year 4’s enjoying their new learning space!

Rooms 11 and 12 had the Techy Ninjas come to visit and teach them how to programme bots with digital technology. We had so much fun exploring different ways to set the bots to move.



FREE!! Come join in some sports activities with Kelly sports coaches at Bays Matariki Festival.
Venue: East Coast Bays leisure Centre court 12 Bute Road, Browns Bay North Shore City
Dates and times as follow:
Sat 26Jun2021 Times 10am to 12pm
Sat 26 Jun 2021 Times 2pm to 4pm
Wed 30 Jun 2021 Times 3:30pm to 05:30pm
Sat 03 July 2021 Times 10am to 12pm
Sat 03 July 2021 Times 2pm to 4pm
Wed 07 July 2021 Times 3:30pm to 05:30pm


Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.

The best gift you can give to your child/children is to allow them to free play in natural settings this Winter School Holidays with CK!

The Conscious Kids Social Enterprise invites your tamariki to a 100% play-in-nature school holiday programme.

Nature play has proven physical, emotional, and social health benefits. Our supervised programme allows kids to lead their own activities – mudslides, tree climbing, puddle splashing, hammock and hut building etc. We aim to provide an antidote to the fast-paced technology-filled world many children now inhabit, within our framework of fun, respect for themselves, others, and the environment. Such child-led play enhances creativity, problem-solving, communication (including listening!), collaboration and many other 21st century skills.

Our Winter Holidays will run from the 12th to the 16th  of July, at a cost of $70/child per day or $200/ per child for 3 days.

Daily programmes run from 9 am to 3 pm and are designed for children aged 5 – 12 yrs. old. For bookings and more information, please visit

Let them play in the rain, let them splash in the mud, let them laugh in the sand, and giggle in the woods.

Professional Tutoring: Math’s, Reading, Writing and Spelling, I have over 15 years teaching experience especially encouraging students who are struggling to succeed.

*Homework help

*Structured Learning Environment

*Programmes to help with Dyslexia & Learning Difficulties.

*Warm and Friendly

*Small Groups/Individualised Work Yvette Walton NZ Registered Teacher, 022 34 11716 [email protected]

Please see my web page for testimonials, more information and a list of available spaces.