A warm welcome to the 2021 Torbay School’s sports season. We hope that you have had an enjoyable festive break.

It is our goal to provide a myriad of sporting opportunities for all students from Year 1 to Year 6. We have no doubt that engagement in sport at any level enhances the experience at our school by developing resilience, teamwork, problem-solving, responsibility and having lots of fun to name a few.

As a starting point, relevant information for all sports is on the Torbay School Website: You can read The Sports Guide which explains what we offer, when and for which age group. We will be also hosting a Sports Information Evening for you to come along and ask any questions you might have. Date to be confirmed. This fortnightly newsletter provides information updates with links to very helpful websites which have all the necessary information for you about season dates, venues, and equipment needed. 

Because of some tight deadlines things start happening very fast in the beginning of 2021.

If you would like your children to play Little League (Y1/2), Miniball (Y3/4) or Basketball (Y5/6) please register your children on KINDO by Friday 12th February as we have a deadline to register teams in the competition. The season starts 22 Feb. If your children are good swimmers there is an opportunity to join in newbies waterpolo competition (Y2/3) or in Flippaball (Y4-6). Please register on KINDO as soon as you can, this season starts on the 21st of February. Touch season starts 22nd February – information about teams and the draw will be sent out as soon as it is finalised.

With all sports we rely 100% on the help of our wonderful volunteer parent coaches. Without you we would not be able to offer these after school opportunities to our children. You don’t have to be an expert! Please consider supporting a team this year – once a season finishes our parent coaches find that it was an enjoyable experience and feel a sense of achievement as the children always learn and improve so much.

We look forward to engaging with you throughout 2021 in what we are sure will be an enjoyable and fulfilling sporting year – me te tiro whakamua ki tetahi waa hākinakina whakaongaonga.

Monika Benkovic,

Sports Co-ordinator, [email protected]