Here we are at the end of 2020. Despite the challenges and interruptions we squeezed in a decent season for all the sporting codes. A huge thank you for that goes to all the volunteers who helped to make this happen. Even though the lockdown was an opportunity for a bit of a down time the feedback is that the kids missed their sport. We can’t say often enough how important and valuable your help is to us. All the extra curricular activities for our children would not be available to them without your help, time, expertise and sacrifice and we value it hugely.
We would like to invite you, the teams, parents, helpers and all the children to an afternoon of fun and sports CELEBRATION on Monday 14/12 straight after school for a game or two (basketball, netball, hockey, waterpolo) and to catch up and share our successes. Please spread the word we would like to see as many of you there as possible.
Touch sign up has already started for 2021. Please give sports a thought over the holidays, discuss the likes and possible new interests with your children. Things start happening very fast in the beginning of 2021 therefore it is always good to have a bit of a plan and keep an eye on the information you need.
We wish you a very merry festive season, enjoy what summer has to offer and we look forward to lots of action on the sporting fields/turfs/courts/pools in 2021.
Nga Mahi Katoa Mo Tatou Tautotoko,
Monika Benkovic, Sports Co-ordinator, [email protected]