Tēnā Koutou Parents and Caregivers
Each morning as I walk back to my office the school is settled and lessons are well underway. In the afternoon teachers are reporting that children are more settled and less distracted without parents in the playground from early in the afternoon.
Just to reiterate our new routines: Our gates open at 8.30 am in the morning and parents are asked to leave the school when the 8.45 am hooter is sounded. This means that our children settle down more quickly and are ready for learning when the bell goes at 8.55 am.
In the afternoons we open up our gates at 2.50 pm so that parents can come in and collect their children at 3.00 pm.
We encourage you to drop your children at the gate and allow them to walk into their classroom and then collect the older children from the gate in the afternoon. We are finding that this practice increases the children’s resilience and independence.
We want to reassure you that you are welcome in the school and that teachers are available before and after school to discuss any issues. If you do visit the school between 8.45 am and 2.50 pm please come to the office and sign in and then sign out when you leave.
Communicating with Parents
Clear communication helps inform and engage. Current clear consistent information helps everyone feel connected and confident. This will help you know how the school operates and what is going on in the school.
Contact details
- Parent and caregiver contact information is requested to be updated by the school during the year (Learning Conversations).
- Parents and caregivers are responsible for letting the school know about any changes to their contact details, including details of caregivers who don’t live with the child but who wish to receive school information and notices.
- Parents and caregivers can access school and staff contact information through the school office, website, and newsletter.
- Parents and caregivers can check information through the parent portal via Edge and will need to advise the school office to update any changes
Everyday communication
- We use a range of methods to communicate general information with parents and our school community including the school website, regular newsletters, Seesaw, and information meetings.
- If the school has concerns about a student’s welfare or behaviour, we will contact parents.
- We protect the privacy of our students and their families in our communications as appropriate.
- Parents are asked to contact the school if their child will be absent or late that day. This can be done by phoning the school 09 473 8603 ext 1 and leaving a message on our voice mail, emailing [email protected] or reporting an absence via our website on the home page.
Emergency communication
- In the event of an emergency, the school contacts parents and caregivers when it can, using the available communication options. Email and Seesaw
- If the school must close due to extreme weather or a local emergency, parents are contacted through available communication options. Email and Seesaw
- We notify parents if their child suffers a moderate or notifiable injury, or any head or spinal injury. The office will call the emergency contact. Please make sure all contact details are up to date.
Reporting to Parents
Communicating with parents about their child’s progress and achievement is an important part of school life. Reporting methods include Seesaw, Learning Conversations, written reports, and informal conversations.
Policies and Procedures
Our suite of Policies are held on the School Docs Website and all parents have access to them. Policies regularly come up for review and those relevant to parents are opened up for your input. You will be sent an email indicating the policies that are currently open for review and instructions on how to go about this. We encourage you to visit our school docs – Policies and Procedures website and welcome your comments and feedback. You will require a Username and password. Username: Torbay Password: Torbay2019