The busyness has returned to our sports and we are now taking registrations for the Rippa Rugby Tournament, to be held in Term 3. A notice was sent home with the children and we would really appreciate it if you could register via  (KINDO) by the end of this week so we can organise the teams. This will enable us to start training immediately in Term 3. Unfortunately the cost is higher than last year due to bus prices sharply increasing. Perhaps the children could do some chores around the house to earn the fees. We really appreciate your support. You can read more information about rippa on KINDO our online shop.

Netball trainings also began and we are very pleased with the number of teams and how well they work together. It is not always easy to accommodate everyone with a limited space on our netball court but the collaboration has been wonderful. Thank you to all the parents and coaches for all their hard work. Games will start in Term 3 and we can’t wait to cheer our teams on at Netball North Harbour and Pinehurst.

Flippaball registrations are also open and for the 1st time Torbay School will also be represented in the Y2/3 newbies waterpolo league! Could you please register by the end of this week so we can secure spots in the competition for our school as they do fill up!

Auckland Council signalled that due to their financial constraints there is a chance that Browns Bay Leisure Centre won’t re-open for the reminder of this year – meaning our basketball, miniball and little league would not go ahead in Semester 2. We have expressed our strong disagreement with this. 

You can support us by letting council know how important these sports leagues are for us and our children by emailing them via this link:

Hockey trainings are in full swing and we are very excited to be able to play games at the new National Hockey Stadium soon. Please remind your children to be at their best behaviour at trainings and always thank their coaches afterwards. We wouldn’t be able to have hockey teams or any other sports teams without our wonderful knowledgeable volunteer coaches and the least we can do is say: ‘Thank you coach’. 

Keep checking the websites of appropriate sporting codes for up-to-date information and we will be emailing you the draws for the much anticipated games.

Very useful and helpful websites: – Flippa Ball or Newbies Introduction to Waterpolo, East Coast Bays Sports League Facebook Page for info about Little League, Miniball and Basketball, ,, and our website

Tino mihi,

Monika Benkovic,

Sports Co-ordinator,

[email protected]