Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
Thank you for the way you have adapted your routines to meet the requirements of Level 2. In particular the drop off and pick up procedures that mean that parents cannot enter the school grounds. While I know this has meant changes in routines for many of you there has been a number of positive outcomes. One of those being that we as school leaders get to interact with children and parents at the school gate each morning and while there was a bit of anxiety evident on the first one or two days there are now many smiles evident in the mornings and afternoon.
It is also clear that children, and it is particularly noticeable at the junior end of the school, are building confidence and resilience as time goes on and children who were a bit nervous about coming into school on day one are now bouncing through the gate. These attitudes and behaviours are really important for our children to develop and fall in line with our learner powers and the key competencies present in the New Zealand Curriculum.
Another aspect that has really impressed me is the way older children are caring for their little brothers and sisters and dropping them at their gates. This is lovely to see and the children are benefiting from the trust you are placing in them.
We will need to keep these restrictions in place as long as the government require us to keep records for contact tracing reasons.
School continues to be an exciting place and the children have really settled in well after the lock down. While there are restrictions and new disciplines we have to adhere to, programmes are generally continuing as per normal.
One of the school activities that will slowly swing into action soon is sport. We will be starting to hold after school sports practices from next week. We ask that parents do not attend the practices held before 4pm and meet their children at the Deep Creek Rd gate at the end of practice. Coaches have been asked to keep contact tracing lists for all those who attend any practices.
The construction of our new building has got off to an excellent start with the establishment of the site and this with week with the pouring of the first of 52 foundation columns that reach 18 metres into the ground. It is so rewarding to see this project get underway and I look forward to seeing it’s completion in 12 months time.
The government last year granted us $400,000 for improvement projects to our school and the Board have been exploring the best use of this money. We have three projects that we would like to pursue.
- Sheltered Play Area. The development of a sheltered area between room 12 and 13 toilet blocks: This area already has rubber matting laid following the building programme in 2018 and will create a wonderful play and teaching space with both protection from the sun and rain.
Area to be covered in!
- New Artificial Turf. The construction of a turf area on the bottom field. This area is currently of limited value to the school as it is frequently unusable in the winter months and in hospitable in the hot summer months as it becomes something of a dust bowl. We are planning to create both an informal play area and a more formal sports and physical education area both with artificial turf.
- Staff and Resource Area. The reconfiguration of our resource area, meeting rooms and staff toilet area. As our school has grown we have made do with somewhat inadequate work space and bathroom facilities. We are currently in the process of exploring possibilities with our architects to develop this area and make better use of the space.
These are all exciting developments that will compliment the construction of our new classroom block, new staff car parking provision and improvements to our top playground once the construction is completed.
All this work creates inconveniences for our staff, children and community however I believe that we will have a vastly improved physical environment once we have completed all of these developments. I thank you for your patience as we embark on this programme and welcome any feedback or comments you might have.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week, Flynn, Lucas, Zahara, Alex, Pyper & Hunter Rooms 3 & 4, All of Room 8 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Tristan, Elsa, Juliette & Taina Rm 1, Flynn, Eloise, Eva & Wynter Rm 2, Lara, Lucy, Hunter & Avleen Rm 3, Samantha, Abdullah, Toby & Derek Rm 4, Jarvis, Ella C, Annabel & Campbell Rm 5, Maxi K, Max S, Carol & Travis Rm 6, Sawyer, Cody, Tyler & Nicky Rm 7, Philip, Rowan, Toma & Levi Rm 8, Tilly, Louis, Luca M & Mia Rm 9, Puma, Zachary, Jonathan, Nathan & Michelle Rm 10, Bella, Teo, William & Sebastian Rm 11, Sofia, Evie, Lilly & Jesse Rm 13, Rosalie, Isabella, Amelie & Toby Rm 14, Alice, Lucca, Easen & Yui Rm 15, Mika, Mia, Jasmine & Harley Rm 16, Koji, Sienna & The WHOLE of Room 17!, Sean, Chloe, Tayla & Jed Rm 18 Loren, Kyla, Brodie & Emily Rm 19, Paige & Andrew Rm 20, Sophie D & Denham Rm 21, Jayden, Maia, Alesha & Baxter Rm 22, Jaime, Izzy S & Max Rm 23, Skyla & Ronan Rm 24, Stella. Oliver, Taetum & Hank Rm 25. Well done!!!!!
YUMMY STICKERS Harper Rm 1, Chloe Rm 2, Mia Rm 3, Leo Rm 6, Hollie & Jack Rm 7, Tilly Rm 9, Hannah Rm 10, Shrae & Max Rm 19, Drico, Teagan Rm 20, Dylan rm 21, & The WHOLE of Room 21 Tessa Rm 17, Eddie Rm 22, William Rm 24! Ka pai!
PINK SHIRT MUFTI DAY – FRIDAY 29th MAY – If you have a Pink shirt please wear that, or if you don’t that’s fine, just wear something Pink to show your support. The only cost is an act of kindness.
MEETINGS – The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 8th June @ 9.30am in the hall.The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th June @ 7pm in the Staffroom.
KEEPING OURSELVES SAFE – (KOS) PARENT INFORMATION MEETING – Keeping Ourselves Safe has been designed to give students the skills to cope in situations involving abuse. It has 3 overall aims:
- To develop and strengthen children’s skills to keep themselves safe with other people
- To support and encourage children to get help from caring adults
- To make teachers and parents/ caregivers more aware of the need to keep children safe from abuse by adults or other children.
An information morning with Senior Constable Wansink will be held in the hall on June 17th at 9am. If you are wanting to attend this meeting please email Renee Heasley on with your name, child’s name, room, and year level.
PHOTOLIFE PORTRAITS/CLASS PHOTOS/SIBLING PHOTOS – POSTPONED UNTIL TERM 3. Due to the current climate, we have decided to postpone our photo day until Term 3. Class, portrait and sibling photos will now be held on Monday 24th August and the Sports teams and Group photos will be held the following day on Tuesday 25th August.
SCHOOL POOL KEYS – A reminder that all pool keys need to be returned by Friday 5th June. The school pool is now closed for public use and all keys must be returned before 5th June in order to receive the $20 bond refund. If you hired a pool key, a form has been sent home with your child today. Please complete this and return your key & form with your child asap, these can be given to their class teacher. Please note: We will be providing all bond refunds via bank transfer due to the restrictions around coming into school.
SCHOOL FEES – A reminder that if you are paying off your annual donations – instalment 2 was due on the first day of term.
Donation (1 child) $45 per instalment
Donation (2 children) $80 per instalment
Donation (3 or more children) $107.50 per instalment.
Electronic statements will be sent out tomorrow showing any unpaid amount on your account (the system automatically sends these with the email subject line of Request for Payment). This is a chance to check that our records agree with yours. Please contact if you have any queries.
CHESS AT TORBAY SCHOOL –WHY CHESS? * Improve concentration and focus * Develop important life skills – fair play and decision making * Tactical & Strategic thinking * Prepare for Chess Tournaments against other schools * Develop a love of chess, of learning and of thinking
WHAT HAPPENS IN CHESS POWER COACHING PROGRAM? Each session starts with a formal lesson; all players will learn a new strategy, idea or skill each week. Then they put those skills into practice with activities and games. All games are monitored and supervised by the coach who provides individual feedback along the way.
Throughout the program, we reward kids that do well and encourage and support kids that are struggling. At the completion of the program, we recognize each child with a certificate based on their performance.
CLASS DETAILS This is 7 weeks chess coaching program running on Mondays from 18th May till 29th June, 3:10pm – 4:10pm. The fee will be $80/student for the term. The sessions will take place in the Multimedia Room. A new full 10-week program will be made available for Term 3. Register today!
QUESTIONS?If you have any questions about this change, please contact
CHESS TOURNAMENTS Our cluster tournaments have started and your child can be part of the fun! Just visit https://www.chesspower.
LUNCHROOM –The Lunchroom is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week. Under level 2 it will only be open for Lunch orders.
STAFF CAR PARKS – Even though it states on the cone not to enter the Deep Creek Rd car park between certain times, No parents, AT ALL TIMES are to use this as a pick up or drop off area. We would appreciate you abiding by these rules as it poses a health and safety issue and we have a designated Drop off/ Pick up zone in order to do this safely. We do not allow parking in the drop off zone at all times.
There are two crossings. Deep Creek Road and Alexander Ave. Trained Year 6 students and a parent or teacher support people across the crossings between 8.30 and 9.00am. In the afternoon (during level 2) from 2.40pm – 3.15pm. Please be a good role model by using the crossing and not to cross the road at other areas.
Room 8 worked really hard to create this story, to view it please click here
Also, one of the students suggested we send it to the author of the Bear in Lockdown books which Miss O did and she replied and sent them back a letter from her bear! See below her email and a letter from her bear !
Room 18 Lockdown poems