A warm welcome to Term 1, 2020 and Torbay School’s sporting scene! The Sports Newsletter will come out fortnightly every even week of school terms.
The purpose of these newsletters is to support families with the different sports that are available at Torbay School. Furthermore, it will help with enrolment, deadlines, and sporting events. Information will also be available on our website Here you will find a comprehensive sports guide and information about uniforms, costs, training etc.
Registrations are now open for the following sports for Term 1:
Little League (Y1/2), Miniball (Y3/4) and Basketball (Y5/6) – these are all types of basketball simplified for the younger players.
Flippaball – is a simplified version of Waterpolo for Y4-6 players – the availability depends on the number of children who enrol and if we are able to put a team together in each year level. Registrations are open now through our online shop (KINDO) please click here
We will also start preparation for winter netball, however, this commences in Term 2.
Announcements about sports are made through our school lunchtime notices and children may be called to meetings. Teachers will sometimes hold meetings during lunchtime and paper notices will be handed out. If your child misses a notice, please refer to our Torbay School Website Notices/ permission slips will happen online, through our online shop (KINDO). Here you will be able to enrol and pay for all sports that are currently available.
Without parent/caregivers volunteering to coach and/or manage, we wouldn’t be able to offer any of these sporting opportunities to our students. You don’t need to be an expert, just provide your time and we will support you. Your time and energy is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU.
If you need more information about any of the sporting codes offered at Torbay School please visit these very helpful and informative websites: – Flippaball, East Coast Bays Sports League Facebook Page for info about little league, miniball and basketball,,,
Once again, a very warm welcome and we look forward to an exciting year of sport at Torbay School.
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact our Sports Co-ordinator, Monika Benkovic at [email protected], or visit our website