Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
2019 started in spectacular fashion with two new classrooms lifted onto our top field and the year has proved to be equally spectacular throughout.
Term 1 was highlighted by our outdoor education programme. It was full of wonderful opportunities for our children and seemed to disappear very quickly. Term 2 was punctuated by a visit from the Education Review Office who in their report endorsed the school’s direction and celebrated our achievements and the wonderful community involvement. Our Production of The Story of Māui, the Sun and the Stars – Ko te Pūrakau o Māui rātou ko Te Rā ko Ngā Whetū, dominated Term 3 and culminated in the most collaborative, inclusive school event I have ever been a part of. It was an exceptional achievement contributed to by our staff, children and parents. Term 4 started with our inaugural Torbay Challenge Fun Run fundraising event, which was a wonderful success, and has been full of exciting school events and classroom activities.
Throughout the year our teachers have provided exciting, innovative programmes engaging our children in all manner of creative learning opportunities. I am particularly pleased with the progress we have made in the teaching of Te Reo and our Whānau hui held during the year were terrific events that will provide us with new opportunities to better meet all of our children’s needs in the coming years. We have also worked hard to further develop our understanding and teaching of digital technology and the “Digital Playground” morning this term was a real highlight for me.
The overall highlight for me is the dedication and skill our entire staff bring to school each day. Everyday at Torbay School is a day filled full of CARE and learning as a result of the work of our wonderful staff. I thank them for the energy and time they put into their work and hope they all enjoy a well-earned rest.
Thank you to our PTA team who have continually worked throughout the year providing activities and fundraising opportunities. They have provided us with events that have not only raised funds for the school, but they have brought our community together. Our PTA have raised almost $35,000 for the school this year and you will see these funds used to build and develop our outdoor playgrounds and learning spaces. I am pleased to announce that the ministry has approved the building of a Mud Kitchen next to our sand pit and this should be completed over the holiday period. Thank you, PTA!
We have three staff moving on at the end of this year; Senka Tighe has been with us for most of this year as a Teacher Aide and has decided to train as a teacher. We wish you all the luck in the world Senka and thank you for your work. Laura Patey has been with us most of the year covering our classroom release time for our teachers, this is a demanding role in any school and we thank Laura for her adaptability and work all across the school. Laura is moving to Tauranga in the new year. Allanah Johnston has been a member of staff for three years, she has led our Arts Curriculum team, the choir, has lead assemblies, has been our teacher member on the board and contributed massively to our school. Allanah moves on to teach at Orewa College next year and we thank her for all of her work and wish her and her family all the very best.
I am looking forward to our year 6 graduation evening tonight and would like to congratulate our senior children on a wonderful year’s work. The children have led the way in so many different areas of achievement, academic, sport and in the arts. They are a wonderful group of children of whom we are very proud. I wish everyone of them the very best for the future!
Have a very happy Christmas and a very enjoyable and safe holiday.
Y6 GRADUATION – Last night we said farewell to our Year 6 students. Thanks to our families who supported this, it was a fantastic night for all concerned. A huge thanks to Victoria Scott and the team who organized the Year 5 parents to support us.
To our Year 6 students and whānau . We wish you every success next year and beyond!!
Graduation Special Awards 2019:
Congratulations to the following students that received our Special Awards and Certificates this year.
Academic: Nicolo C Rm 17, William P Rm 19
CARE: Ryan C Rm 17, Maddison K Rm 18, Lily C Rm 19
Effort: Taylor R & Kenzie B Rm 17, Jemma M Rm 18, Hazel A Rm 19. Ka Pai guys!
Special Cups and Awards:
Academic- Best All Round Student – Elijah W
Torbay Spirit – Sophie R
Performance (The Arts) – Ruby Q
Physical Activities Cup – Bede T
Science & Technology – Darcy G
Leadership – Levi L & Naava D
Citizenship – Isla W
Well done!!!!
To view Awards & Graduation photos please click here
It has been a busy and exciting few weeks leading up to the end of the year. Here are some of the recent highlights and see more of the wonderful things Torbay School tamariki have been doing.
- Torbay Idol performances
- Awards assembly for Academic, CARE and Effort
- Year 5 Student Leaders speeches – Our 2020 student leaders to be announced early next year
- Classes for 2020 announced and students met their 2020 teacher
- Reports and 2020 Stationary lists went home on Wednesday
- Y6 Graduation and Special Awards evening
HOLIDAY SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS – During the holiday break, school office emails and phone messages will be cleared periodically – Phone: 473 8603 The office will be open on Thursday 30th Jan 2020 from 8.00am to 3.00pm.
Term 1: Monday 3rd February – 9th April
Term 2: 28th April – 3rd July
Term 3: 20th July – 25th September
Term 4: 12th October – 16th December
- Bake and cook – measuring ingredients and timing helps with understanding and using numbers
- Teach telling the time to reinforce fractions, numbers and measurements
- Play board games, card games and use dice
- Visit the library and keep a reading log
- Spend time drawing and colouring in
- Write stories and keep a diary of the holidays
- Write thank you cards for their presents
- Encourage family meal conversation where everyone speaks