Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou
It was a real pleasure to join some of our PTA at the finish line of the Shore to Shore fun run on Sunday morning. It was great to spend a bit of quality time talking to some of the key people in our school. Our PTA continually show up supporting and initiating events for fundraising purposes or simply to promote our school community.
The team provided a great end point for our parents and children to gather at after the fun run. They provided fruit, water and cakes for the participants. Congratulations to all the children who completed the event and thank you to the parents who came along to support their children.
The Pyjama Party theme was terrific and we all had a lovely morning mixed with some serious exercise.
We had a pleasing turnout for our Learning Conversations last week. I hope the meeting with your child and their teacher was helpful and answered any questions that you might have had about the classroom programme and your child’s goals for the year.
If you missed out for any reason please contact the classroom teacher to arrange another time to meet. Thank you to our teachers who put in some long hours during these events while still maintaining their normal classroom programme.
Kawau team finish this week off with two full days of outdoor education followed by a sleepover on Friday night. This is an exciting, fun couple of days for our year 3 children and a big shout-out goes to Joanne and her team for all the effort that goes into making this possible.
Our last week of term is being marked by book week with a parade on Monday. I am sure your children have been busy organising costumes. This will be a week full of activities based around story books and is a fabulous way to end what has been a very fast paced exciting term at Torbay School.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Lachlan V, Dar N & Max B Rm 9, Jarvis A & Ethan P Rm 11, David W, Oliver W & Luca A Rm 24. Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Vance A, Edie J, Harper G & Eden T Rm 1, Elsa, Bosco Z, Paige H & Joshua B Rm 2, Todd F, Maia C, Dimi & Taya G Rm 3, Jamie N, Jessica, Chloe & Kyla Rm 4, Cameron G, Nathan S, Sean R & Charlie F Rm 5, Abigail B, Nicholas S, Eden M & Axel M Rm 6, Finley C, Sophie D, Joel E & Evie R Rm 7,Xulia T, Maia W, Cooper R & Enoch J Rm 8, Dar N, Ishmaiah K, Eli V-B & Tyler J Rm 9, Lexi C, Riley M, Mason B & Evan K Rm 11, Leo M, Flynn B-P, Hunter G & Sinoki K Rm 12, Violet, Anine, Ivey & Ines Rm 15, Alex C & Sophia W, Nate J & Matthew B Rm 16, Joshua M, Ryan C, Cooper E & Olivia D Rm 17, Jemma, Maddison, Arlo B & Lola B Rm 18, Elizabeth C, Cooper W, River S & Emily Y Rm 19, Luca M & Charlotte G Rm 21, Sammy Z, Nathan Q, Toma B & Michelle H Rm 22, Cruze E, Braden M, Kaitlyn B & Zeke W Rm 23, William, Eva A, Elsie B & Oliver Rm 24, Soren R, Alyssa A, Connor R & Natalie K Rm 25. Well done everyone!
ANZAC DAY CIVIC SERVICE – The Civic Service on Anzac day will be held at the Cenotaph In Browns Bay on Thursday 25th April. Students are invited to participate in the parade from Glen Road. If your child is interested please meet at the Browns Bay Bowling Club (784 Beach Road) by 8.30am in school uniform. For any further questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact the office.
TERM 2 ASSEMBLIES – Next term we will hold an ANZAC themed assembly which will be on Thursday 9th May. After this assembly, whole school assemblies will move to a Friday. Week 8 – Friday 21st June and Week 10 – 5th July there will be a Cultural assembly.
SCHOOL BANKING – From Term 2 we will no longer be doing school banking from the Kashin Deposit box at the office.
PHOTOLIFE PORTRAITS/CLASS PHOTOS/SIBLING PHOTOS – FRIDAY 3rd MAY 2019 PhotoLife flyers have been handed out to students with information about the online ordering system. Every child will be photographed individually and in their class group. When photos are ready for printing, students will bring home their own unique shoot key. Simply follow the steps to view and purchase your photos.
Sibling photo request forms can be collected from the office. Please complete ONE form for EACH family and return to school before photo day.
HELL PIZZA READING CHALLENGE – Will be starting next week. A notice with more information about this challenge will be sent out via Seesaw to the parents of participating classes.
SCHOOL MOBILE PHONE – We are currently having minor issues with our mobile phone absences number. If you use this regularly we ask that you use one of the other forms to report an absence until further notice. Thanks!
SCHOLASTIC – Lucky book orders went home this week. Thank you for your continued support, every order provides valuable resources for our school library.
WHEELS DAY Wheels day is on for all Y1-4 learners on Friday unless Waterwise is cancelled. Wheels day includes all wheels ie Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/blades, NO BIKES PLEASE.
MUFTI DAY – Thank you for your kind donation towards our gold coin donation mufti day. We raised $1197.00 that will go towards Mayoral Fund that will support the families in Christchurch. KA PAI!
SHORE TO SHORE 2019 – Well done to all of the learners, their families and the staff who participated in the Shore to Shore last weekend. It was a fantastic event!! Well done to our winners for best dressed, they will be announced tomorrow at school.
SCHOOL POOL KEYS – Reminder that all pool keys need to be returned to the school office by the end of this term. Please note: the school pool will be closed for public use from Friday 12th April at 3pm and all keys must be returned by this date to receive the bond refund.
PARENT HELP NEEDED – Can you help? Do you have some time to spare and would like to help the school? We would love a few parents to help with prepping library books and putting away resources. If you are available for a couple of hours please let us know at the school office. Thanks!
RESOURCES NEEDED – Rangitoto Team are busy preparing our Learning Through Play spaces for next term. We are looking for some resources to help complete our zones. Can you donate or lend us any of the following?
- Books on Dinosaurs, Vets, Fairy tales, Deserts, Cars – Mechanics, science experiments, craft idea books (named please if you want them returned)
- Old picture frames (with the glass removed please)
- Tools – e.g. screwdrivers, pliers, spanners, nuts & bolts, hammers (small ones please) etc.
- Old electronics that are no longer working
- Model animals, in particular desert animals, dinosaurs, goats, pigs, bears
- Soft toy animals – these need to look like real animals please.
- Small world accessories – e.g. plastic trees, river pebbles
- Dress up items – kids high vis vests, overalls
- Foam baby change mat
- Glass jars – large jars
- Large pieces of yellow / orange / brown material
- “Rhyming Rabbit” by Julia Donaldson x2 copies please
Thanks in advance for your help.
WALKING SCHOOL BUS – In March we celebrated the Walking School Bus Month by dressing up in themes: Funky Feet, Wacky Walkers & Superheroes. We ended the month with a coffee van that came and gave the walkers & drivers hot chocolates and coffees! Walking School Bus reduces traffic congestion, gets the children’s day started right with exercise and builds friendships & connections within the school community. There are a number of different routes that walk to school in the mornings. If you’re interested in joining, email Keryn at or pop in to the office to get some information.
SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES: At this time of the year we get a lot of school holiday programme flyers. If you are interested in school holiday options we have a folder in the office with these flyers for you to view.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell or have a fever. We have had recent cases of Impetigo (also known as school sores) and Chickenpox reported.
CHICKENPOX: If you suspect your child has chickenpox, please consult your doctor. Children who have chickenpox must stay home for 1 week or until all blisters have dried.
VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
HEAD LICE: Check your children’s head for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
We have announced our winter netball teams and are delighted with the parent support we have received. We now have a coach and a manager for every team. Parent support dedication is very much appreciated. We also value your cooperation with accommodating all the teams onto our netball court with their trainings.
The line marking is booked and will be done during school holidays.
As term 1 is nearing the end we need to register our teams for Flippaball again. In term 2 we have opened Flippaball to Y3 and Y4 children and if we have enough interest we will be able to enter a team. Please register and pay via Torbay school website.
We have received a full draw for the Little League, Miniball and Basketball competitions which continue throughout term 2. Thank you to everyone who gives up their time, coaches, transports, feeds, supports and organises the children.
A hockey information letter was sent home in week 7 and the registration link is still open on our website: – hockey – click on the link to register, click SHOP to pay. Winter hockey is open to Year 3, 4 ,5 and 6 children. We would like more children across these year levels to join.
The primary schools rippa rugby tournament is open to children in Years 3-6. This event is spread over three Thursdays in terms 2 and 3, during school hours. The dates for 2019 are: 23/5, 04/07 and 29/8. Rippa rugby registration form is now available on our website – -rippa rugby.
The annual Shore to Shore 5km fun run/walk was held on Sunday 31st March 2019. Thank you very much to our PTA for all the hard work they put into this event and the nice treats waiting for all the participants in the Torbay School gazebo. Many thanks to all Torbay school families for taking part and supporting our school.
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic,, Sports Co-ordinator or visit our website

Here are some snippets from some stories of our Y4 students wrote re Camp….
We are in need of some parent helpers on the Sausage Sizzle day, if you are available to help, even if only for a few hours, please contact Megan Sadler at Here is the link to the online shop if you wish to purchase sausages online
TORBAY PLUNKET NEARLY NEW SALE: Saturday 6th April 10am – 12pm East Coast Bays Leisure Centre 12 Bute Rd, Browns Bay. Entry by gold coin donation.
LONG BAY COLLEGE would like to share all that is happening at the College with your school families. As always, our fantastic students have represented us well and we celebrate their learning, interests and successes here (you might recognise some faces): https://us8.admin.mailchimp.