Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Term 2 has got off to a very positive start and the children have settled quickly back into their routines.
Staff Only Day
I would like to remind you that we will be holding a Staff Only Day on Monday (1st May) next week. We have a ministry facilitator who will be guiding us towards the implementation of the refreshed social sciences curriculum with specific focus on the NZ Histories component of this area of learning.
We thank you for finding alternative care for your children on Monday as School is closed for instruction.
Drop off and Pick up.
Please see our drop off and pick up processes outline below. Please take note that we ask that parents leave the school at 8.50 so that the teachers have only their children in front of them at 8.50 when school starts.
- 8.30am drop off, Gates open. No children on site prior to 8.30.
- Parents welcome on site and can bring or send children through any gate.
- Hooter and message at 8.50am. Parents are asked to leave on this hooter.
- Children will be able to play in the playground before school and go to class at Hooter
- Afternoon Pick up: Gate will be open at 2.55pm for parents to come on site to collect children.
- Whole school finish at 3pm
- Parents are encouraged to discuss issues with teachers after school, not before.
Our pick up and drop of processes outlined above are important to us. They ensure that our day gets off to a smooth start and the end of the day is not disrupted. This allows children to settle quickly in the mornings.
Some important things we ask of you:
- Please make sure you are at school prior to 8.50am if you wish to come on sight after 8.50am you are required to stop at the gate and allow your child or children to walk to class alone.
- Please make sure that if you are on sight you leave at 8.50am, This ensures that the children are settled and ready to begin their day by 8.55am
- Please do not come onto the school grounds before 2.55pm to collect your child or children. Having parents outside classrooms earlier than this disrupts the children particularly in the junior school.
Thank you for following these guidelines!
Make a plan!
Please also have a plan should you be delayed picking up your children. We have recently had several situations where children have decided to walk home because their caregiver had not collected them. This causes a great deal of anxiety for parents and staff.
Please make a plan with your children to cover these situations!
- Please make sure you inform the school office if you are going to be late to collect children.
- Please talk to your children and tell them to always come to the school office if you are not there to collect them or they are unsure of what to do.
Please have this conversation today!
Staff Changes
Next week we farewell Chris Martin who has been a Learning Assistant at Torbay School for the last 5 years. We want to thank Chris for all of his work over that time. He has been a real asset to our school staff and has influenced and supported many children in his time here. We wish Chris all the very best for the future.
On May 15th Amelia Sherman will join our staff as Chris’s replacement in the Waiheke Whanau. We welcome Amelia to our staff and look forward to working with her.
Thank You
Thank you for your continued support of all we do at Torbay. Specifically thank you for your support of our Mufti Day at the end of last term. The funds raised from this day will go towards the erection of “Friendship Seat” in memory of Hollie Beattie. Thanks to the work of a few members of our community and some of our staff the seat has been designed and is currently being built under the tree at the eastern end of our new building. Next week marks 1 year since Hollie’s passing and I know that many of you will be joining me with thoughts of Aroha for Jo, John, William and Hollie.
Please do not hesitate to contact me on any matter you may wish to discuss.
Nga mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
Tēnā Koutou e te whānau
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Mia Rm2, Connor & Lochlin Rm1, Cameron Osborne Rm 17, Johandre & Jack Rm 3 Awesome work!
YEAR 3 SLEEPOVER – Consent forms and payments are now due.
POOL KEY – Please return you pool key to the office by Friday 5th May.
TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE ORDER – If your child plays sports for the school and you would like to purchase one they are available on the online shop under the sports tab. Orders will be closing on Friday 28th April @ 3pm. These hoodies can be worn at any Torbay School sports event (Rippa, Netball Tournaments etc) but not as a replacement for our school uniform.
- Unnamed Hoodie is $50
- Named Hoodie is $58
TEACHERS ONLY DAY – Monday 1st May
MEETINGS – The next BOT Meeting will be held on Wednesday 10 May @ 7pm in the Staffroom.
Pink Shirt Day is Friday 19th May 2023 and will be a gold coin mufti donation towards the Mental Health Foundation check out their website for more information! Pink Shirt Day
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.