Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou
Children at School
Please note that children are not expected at school until 8.30am. We are experiencing increased numbers of children arriving earlier at school. If you require care for you children in the mornings prior to 8.30am before school care service is available through the Fun Club. In the one-off event where children have to be dropped off a little earlier than 8.30am they must sit outside rooms 1 and 2 and wait quietly, not play. Only Fun Club children should be playing on the front court.
I re-emphasise that if your children are arriving prior to 8.30am on a regular basis then they should be enrolled in before school care.
Our playgrounds are open from 8.30am on and we provide a supervisor to ensure the children’s safety. Please do not allow your pre-schoolers to play on the playgrounds during this time. We cannot be responsible for them and they do not understand the rules.
Industrial Action
Thank you to all of our parents and caregivers. Your support for our industrial action was very much appreciated, we hope that the government will listen to our impassioned pleas for improvement in our terms and conditions. It was terrific to hear so many horns being blasted in support of our action as we stood waiting to board our bus yesterday. Please take the time to contact MP’s and have your voice heard.
Rippa Rugby
I would also like to thank all those parents who took the time to assist with our rippa rugby teams at the first of the field days for this year. The day was a huge success and the students seemed to really enjoy the experience. A huge thank you to Monika Benkovic our sports coordinator for all her work in organising the day, the teams and their practices and to all of our other staff involved in lunchtime practices and supervision on the day. With so many children involved it is a huge job.
Board Elections
Our Board Elections are well underway and your voting paper must be placed in our ballot box or posted by 12.00 noon on the 7th of June. Counting of the votes will be done on the afternoon of the 13th June to allow for any postal votes to arrive. A huge thank you to Rachel Mayne our returning officer for the terrific work in administering this year’s election.
Thank you for your continued support of our school, please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything you wish to discuss.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Elsa L, Freya B, Sienna L & Brooklyn M Rm 1 & 2, Nicholas S Rm 6, Aamani P Rm 7 Xulia T, Lydia A, Bianca K, Sophie T & Enoch J Rm 8, Toma B, Michelle H & William M Rm 22, Elise B, Oliver W & Georgia S Rm 24 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Fern N & Alex C Rm 1, Casey B & Dither S Rm 2, Koby S, Cruz S, Emme K & Liam T Rm 3, Keerat K & Ella-Mae J Rm 4, Max E, Monty H & Nikita C-B Rm 5, Maite E & Ethan R Rm 6, Baxter S & Liam H Rm 7, I-En L & Enoch J Rm 8, Rhys G & Isobel F Rm 9, Olivia L, Chloe Q, Jared B & Stella C Rm 10, Julia Z & Taylor A Rm 11, Hao Q & Shijie T Rm 14, Ines M & Neva T Rm 15, Paige B & Toby B Rm 17, Julie L & Indie S Rm 18, George W, Daniel M & Zoe C-B Rm 19, Hanro S & Hudson S Rm 21, Memphis T & Nicky T Rm 22, Michaela & Sienna D Rm 23, Emily K, Lachie A, Elliot B, Tally S & Bailey S Rm 24, Juliette I & Ceci R Rm 25 Well done everyone!
BOT Parent Election: Voting papers have been sent out this week.
Votes must be returned in the accompanying envelope.
Votes must be delivered to the school office before noon on Friday 7th June 2019, or if posting it must be postmarked by noon on the 7th June.
The votes are not counted until the afternoon on Thursday 13th June 2019 to ensure postal votes have been received. If you have any queries please contact the Returning Officer, Rachel Mayne on
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th June @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday 25th June @ 7.30pm – new members welcome. Please contact Megan Sadler at for venue details. New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 10th June at 9.30am in the Staffroom.
GARDEN TO TABLE – WORM FARM TALK – On Wednesday 3rd July, Torbay School is hosting two introduction to worm farming talks run by Pip from Compost Collective. These will be happening from 9:30-10:30 and 11- 12. These talks are open to adults in our community. Confirmed participants will receive a $40.00 discount toward the purchase of a composting system that can be redeemed online. This course is proudly supported by Auckland Council and delivered by the Compost Collective. Click on the links below to register for one of these workshops.
ENROLMENTS 2019/20 – If your child, (or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone) and is turning 5 within the next 12 months, please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
ROAD SAFETY WEEK- A huge thanks to all of our parents who are following the Road Safety rules and guidelines. Your support of this for the safety of our learners and community is greatly appreciated.
TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE ORDER – If your child plays sports for the school and you would like to purchase one they are availab
le on the online shop under the sports tab. Orders will close on Friday 14th June at 3pm. This will be the last opportunity to order this year, therefore if you wish to buy one please do so. These hoodies can be worn at any Torbay School sports event but not as a replacement for our school uniform.
Below are Torbay’s School Uniform items – please ensure that students are following these requirements.
Please note:
- School bucket hats (Black or Blue) are compulsory Terms 1 and 4.
- Students are permitted to wear any tidy plain black leggings, skirts, skorts, trousers or shorts – NO denim jeans/skirts/shorts.
- Plain sensible shoes (such as sneakers or sandals) that the student can put on/take off themselves preferably black or white in colour – No boots, crocs or jandals/thongs.
- Socks are to be plain black, blue or white socks – NO long socks.
- Students can wear plain black, blue or white short sleeve thermals or singlets under their school polo in winter months.
- All uniform items are to be clearly named. Student’s name can be embroidered under the logo (or on the back of hats) in black, yellow or white cotton on school uniform. Contact the school office for further clarification.
ICE SKATE TOUR COMING TO TORBAY SCHOOL! 10th – 16th June 2019 – Ann Emerson from Harcourts Browns Bay will be here on Saturday 15th June 10am – 1pm with the Icecream and Coffee van so head on down! For more information please click here
CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING – Please send a spare change of clothes to school with your child/ren for cross country training. If your child has received a change of clothes from the health room, please return these promptly. Many thanks.
HEALTH ROOM REMINDERS – We are continuing to have numerous cases of vomiting/diarrhoea, high temps, strep throat and influenza reported in the school. Please, if your child is unwell with vomiting or diarrhoea keep them at home to prevent it from spreading and adhere to the 24 hour stand down period as stated below.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell.
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- HIGH TEMPERATURES: For more information about fevers Click here
- STREP THROAT: Kids who do have strep throat might get other symptoms within about 3 days, such as: Red and white patches in the throat, difficulty swallowing, headache, lower stomach pain, general discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling, loss of appetite and nausea, rash. If your child is experiencing these symptoms please consult your doctor.
- INFLUENZA: Influenza – or the flu – is a virus that spreads quickly from person to person. Symptoms include fever, chills, aches, runny nose, a cough and stomach upset. If you think your child has the flu please consult your doctor. For more info click here
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
LOST PROPERTY – Is in the corridor next to Room 1, please check this if you are missing items. Please ensure ALL items are named.
PHOTOLIFE – Shoot Key Codes have now gone home to all students and photos are ready to view online. Our School’s FREE DELIVERY period expires at MIDNIGHT on SUNDAY 9th JUNE 2019
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open again to purchase second hand uniforms on 27th June from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office. Hats are not compulsory for terms 2 & 3, however, if you wish to purchase a new hat they are available at the school office for $14. We are always in need of good condition uniforms for the second hand shop, therefore, if you have some that you wish to donate, please drop them off at the office.
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS, ISSUE 3 – Orders have now gone home with the students.
SCHOOL ABSENCES – It is important to contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.
You can do this by one of the following:
Phone: 473 8603 Ext 1
Skoolbag App: Download here
Website: Report an Absence form. Click here
PLEASE NOTE: Text option is no longer available, please use one of the other methods above.
To register for the famine please click here or contact Katie Hills at Torbay School
We have had a fantastic 1st rippa rugby tournament. Through the support of our wonderful parents and teachers, who could make it to Windsor Park, our teams received an amazing amount of coaching and cheering on. All the children played hard and fair and did Torbay School very proud. It was so much fun and we are already looking forward to our second tournament on Thursday 4th of July. We need as many parents as possible to help on the day, if your are able to please contact Monika.
We are now midway through term 2 and need to start organising our teams for flippaball, basketball, miniball and little league for semester 2 (Terms 3 & 4). If you would like to join a team please register and pay via – click the link next to the appropriate sporting code to fill a registration form and then click SHOP to pay.
Our hockey, netball, flippaball, basketball, miniball and little league teams are doing very well and every week we receive reports of improved performance and amazing team work. Thank you to all who volunteer their time to our teams.
Our senior cross country run is on Friday 7th of June for years 4-6 students and our junior students in years 1- 3 will have their cross country run on Friday 14th of June. We look forward to welcoming our whānau for these 2 events.
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic, our Sports Co-ordinator, or visit our website
Flipperball Torbay Orcas: Wilco C
Miniball – Torbay Nets: Bill H (21 May) Barry E (28 May)
Little League – Torbay Bulls: William M (16 May) Rhys G (23 May)
Precious Labels are having a 25% off sale for Queen’s birthday weekend!
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.
Maths, Reading, Writing and Spelling
Is your child struggling to keep up academically?
Or would you like to see your child’s skills further extended?
We provide extra encouragement in a warm
and friendly teaching environment.
There are a few spaces available this term at
ExtraordinaryKids. Please see the website for
testimonials and more information.
We are local to Torbay.
Yvette 022 34 11716