We have had a fantastic 1st rippa rugby tournament. Through the support of our wonderful parents and teachers, who could make it to Windsor Park, our teams received an amazing amount of coaching and cheering on. All the children played hard and fair and did Torbay School very proud. It was so much fun and we are already looking forward to our second tournament on Thursday 4th of July. We need as many parents as possible to help on the day, if your are able to please contact Monika.

We are now midway through term 2 and need to start organising our teams for flippaball, basketball, miniball and little league for semester 2 (Terms 3 & 4). If you would like to join a team please register and pay via – click the link next to the appropriate sporting code to fill a registration form and then click SHOP to pay.

Our hockey, netball, flippaball, basketball, miniball and little league teams are doing very well and every week we receive reports of improved performance and amazing team work. Thank you to all who volunteer their time to our teams.

Our senior cross country run is on Friday 7th of June for years 4-6 students and our junior students in years 1- 3 will have their cross country run on Friday 14th of June. We look forward to welcoming our whānau for these 2 events.

If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic, our Sports Co-ordinator [email protected], or visit our website