Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC


Tēnā koutou

I am so pleased to see our Shade Sail erected over the sandpit and our Dinosaur Garden completed. These two projects are a direct result of PTA fundraising efforts over the last two years and emphasises the importance of local fundraising to support schools, so that we can provide the very best of facilities. Your involvement however large or small is welcomed and helps to contribute to the success of Torbay School.

So a huge thank you to our PTA and the personal commitment they have made to our school over the years. I counted over 60 children playing in the sandpit on one occasion last week and I am so pleased we have managed to get it in place for the summer term.

Our PTA is holding its first meeting of the year at which the activity programme for the year will be laid out. Please come along and join in. A particular welcome to any new parents to the school, we would love to see you there. It is also an opportunity to meet other parents and become more involved in the community.

The first meeting of the year will be held on

Wednesday, 27th Feb, at 7.30pm, for venue details please contact the school office.

Thank you to all those parents who attended our Sports Information Evening last Wednesday. I hope that you gained something from the evening. I am very excited for the future of sport at Torbay School. Monika Benkovic our sports coordinator is working very hard to ensure that every child who wants to, can play sport at the school. She is doing a tremendous job.

Once again parental help is vital to make our sports programme run smoothly please contact Monika if you are able to coach or manage one of our sports teams. [email protected]

I am also thrilled that our new Website has been launched please take a look.  One of the features of our new site is that this newsletter can be produced on it.  I am sure we will have the odd teething problem with the site but I am very pleased with the new look and ease of use. A big thank you to Katie Hills for all the time and work she has put in working with our developers.

While there is new information on the site there is still much we want to do with it and so we will be continually updating and developing it. Your suggestions are welcome, just drop me an Email.

Our year 4,5 and 6 camps and year 3 sleepover are just around the corner and I encourage you to get involved. Some of my most memorable moments in education were experienced on school camps, both as a teacher and a student. Thank you to our teachers and Deputy Principals who put an enormous amount of effort into making these happen for your children.

Special mention to our Admin staff who really work hard at this time of year dealing with enrolments and camp alongside all the other start up and everyday tasks. Natasha, Rachel, Marilyn and Katrina do a fantastic job and it this time of year I often find myself telling them to go home well after they should have.

Our picnic and Meet The Teachers evening was blessed with good weather this year and it was lovely seeing families taking the opportunity to meet their children’s teachers. I hope you found the evening valuable, once again any feedback would be more than welcome.

Thanks to all the hard work from all of our team, the year has started well and our children, overall, look happy and contented. There is lots happening across the school, so encourage your children to get involved in sports, cultural and art clubs or teams.

Finally, I would like to remind you of our Teacher Only Day next Monday and thank you for making other arrangements for your children’s care on that day.

My email address is [email protected]

Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien


KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Max P, Zoe P, Violet G & Ruby F Rm 15, Sophia W, Elijah B, Alex C, Jaxon E & Nate J Rm 16, Toby L & Brody G Rm 21.  Awesome work!

CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Blake C, Yoko F, Alex R & Chantelle M Rm 1, Taitum C & Kaylene L Rm 2, Luca B & Agnes K Rm 2, Max P , Taya U, Tayla A & Kale H Rm 3, Jessica O, Kimiora P, Codi R & Nau L Rm 4, Max P-S, Clea T, Chloe G, Harlan P & Max K Rm 5, Aiden Y, Betty S, Carter N & Malika T Rm 6, Ian Z, Bianca B, Eli W & Aspen H Rm 7, Eddie M, Bianca K, Oliver S & Maia W Rm 8, India R & Viggo K, Madison G & Max B Rm 9, Emma W, Tristan S, Corey Z & Jason L Rm 10, Henry M, Annabel V, Jay L, Annaliese M, Isabelle S, Delilah B, Flynn B-P & Liam F Rm 11 & 12, Talen J , Travis A, Sean L, Jack T & Max P Rm 15, Harry Z & Matthew B Rm 16, Kenzie B, Eva C, Taylor R & Reeve K Rm 17, Clark Z, Therese L, Cadence L & Luis M Rm 18, Isabella T, Levi L, Finn C & Sophie R Rm 19, Nathan G, Brody G, Sienna D & Toby M Rm 21, Archer M, Lewis L, Cody H & Isaiah S Rm 22, Daniel B, Gwynnie J, Maia T & Levi C Rm 23, David W, Isy L, Luca A & Sienna R Rm 24, William W, Levi P, Tristan J & Annabelle L Rm 25.  Well done everyone! 

NEW WEBSITE  We have a brand new website!  Please take a look around, it has lots of information on it and an up to date calendar so you don’t miss out on what’s going at school! Click here to view it. 

MEETINGS  The next PTA meeting is Wednesday 27th February at 7.30pm. We encourage all new parents to join us.  Please contact Megan Sadler,   Chairperson, [email protected] for meeting details.  After this meeting they will be held on a Tuesday evening. The next BOT meeting is Monday 25th March @ 7pm in the staffroom.

Y5/6 CAMP 2019  The Year 5 & 6 Camp will be held on 6th-8th March 2019.  All student consent forms should now be returned.  If you have not returned your consent form please do so ASAP.  We appreciate everyone that has volunteered to help with camp.  By now all our volunteers should have received the necessary forms to complete.  Please return these to your teacher or drop them off at the school office.

Y4 CAMP 2019  The Year 4 camp notices and child consents forms have been sent home, if you have already filled these out and returned them thank you, if you haven’t please do so ASAP.  More forms will be sent out on Friday to those who have been selected to help at this year’s camp.  Also a REMINDER that we have a Y4 Camp information evening on Tuesday 26th February at 6.30pm in the Staffroom.

FEES & DONATIONS  Notices for the annual fees and donations were sent home last week and accounts emailed on Tuesday. Should you have any queries on either of these please email [email protected] or contact the school office.

As swimming is a compulsory part of the New Zealand Curriculum, all learners are expected to swim on their classroom swim days. If you are unsure which day your child(ren) swim, please ask their teacher.

SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on the following Wednesday’s:  27 Feb, 6th & 20th March & 3rd April from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office.  If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate, please bring them to the school office.


WHEELS DAY Wheels day will start for all Y1-4 learners on Friday 1st March. Wheels day includes all wheels ie Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/blades, NO BIKES PLEASE. Wheels day is ONLY on Waterwise days which is weather dependent.

SCHOOL POOL – IMPORTANT!  The pool is closed for swimming between 3pm and 3.30pm on school days. Please adhere to this, we have to make sure the chemicals are added and the PH levels are correct before opening it up to swim.  NO BEACH ITEMS ALLOWED to be used in the pool, sand damages the filter.  Finally, there has been a number of goggles found in the pool area.  These will be sent to the school office at the end of each day as lost property.

UNIFORM – ALL NAMED PLEASE  School polo shirt, any plain black bottoms (shorts, skirts), white, black or blue socks, shoes or sandals (we prefer that the learners do not wear jandals or boots). School hats are compulsory in terms 1 & 4.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS have now closed.  Orders will be sent home with your child shortly.


Please do not send any children to school who are unwell or have a fever. Learners must be clear of vomiting/diarrhoea for 24 hours before they are permitted back to school.

All learners with open sores are unable to use the swimming pool. No wounds with dressings and/or plasters are permitted in the pool.

A reminder that all visitors to the school must sign in at the office, except during 8.30-8.55am and 2.45-3.15pm.

The trees on the Torbay School site have all been assessed and maintained where necessary to ensure that they are safe for the children to climb. Designated trees can be climbed at morning tea and lunchtime only. NO SIGN NO CLIMB!


New Recorder Group

Mrs McHugh has a new school recorder group open to Year 4-6 children beginning in Week 4. Learning the recorder teaches children how to read and perform music. The Recorder Karate teaching method will be used – children progress at their own pace earning belts as they achieve each level. Group practices will be held in Room 20 on Thursday mornings at 8.15am. Recorders are $14.00 and can be ordered at the school office.  Come along to Room 20 next Thursday 28th Feb at 8.15am if you would like to try out the Recorder group.



The 2019 netball season will kick off in term 2. In order to get teams organised and registered in time we need to start collecting information from children interested in playing. Netball notices were given out yesterday.

Y2-5 students play at Pinehurst School in Albany on a Saturday morning between 8:45-1:30. Online registration and payment must be completed by Friday March 1st.

Y6s play on a Wednesday at the Barfoot & Thompson Netball Center in Onewa between 4-7pm. Online registration and payment must be completed by Friday March 1st.

Y1 students can play in the spring league which happens later in the year. here to register, to pay click here for Online SHOP

It is great to see the sport of netball growing at Torbay School. We had a record number of teams last year. This would not be possible without the amazing parents that give up their time to coach and manage the teams. Thank you to those people, we really appreciate your support.

If you need more information about netball, please refer to these wonderful web sites:

If you have any questions please contact

Monika Benkovic, Sports Co-ordinator, [email protected]


 SHORE TO SHORE 2019 Registrations are now open – to register with Torbay School click here



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