Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko te Pūrakau o Māui rātou ko Te Rā ko Ngā Whetū
Thank you for all the positive feedback we have had about our production of The Story of Māui the Sun and the Stars. This has been an enormous collaborative effort involving almost every child in the school. Children have not only performed on the stage but have fulfilled a huge number of other roles to support the production. The children are to be congratulated on their work and efforts to make this a fantastic show and a fantastic experience for all involved. I am enormously proud of the outcome and how the whole show has come together over the term.
The outcomes you see on the stage and on the night of the performance only make up a portion of the benefits the children get from this event. The development of our learner powers, the skills needed to succeed in life, and our CARE Values have been evident throughout the term as staff have worked with children to reach our goal. These skills and values are continually emphasised in our school and it is fantastic to see how learning occurs in so many different ways.
I also want to celebrate our fantastic staff. I have never seen a staff work so selflessly and so collaboratively. Every staff member has contributed both personally and professionally to ensure that we achieved a fabulous outcome and that is evident at each performance. When I talk about staff I refer to our caretaker, our admin staff, our support staff, our teaching staff and our deputy principals. Everyone has contributed to this effort and I thank them all!
A particularly big thank you to Danielle Brown and Nic Davis, our two fabulous teachers who have directed and produced the show. They have worked tirelessly and with immense passion and have coordinated many different elements of the show.
Teacher Only Day
I would like to inform you that we have a teacher only day planned in term four for the 9th of December. We will be using this day for professional development and planning for 2020.
Kāhui Ako
I would like to congratulate Sarah Kilkolly on her new appointment and Vanessa Mitschak on her re-appointment as Kāhui Ako Across School Lead teachers. These positions enable Vanessa and Sarah to work across the schools in the Oneroa Kāhui Ako to help influence teaching and learning in all seven schools. I am thrilled to have Sarah and Vanessa in these positions as there are many benefits for our school.
New Building
We have made excellent progress in the development and design of our new 12 classroom block. The consenting process has now started as we look towards a December start date for the build. Drawings and plans are available for you viewing in the office foyer. As with any building project timelines can change however, we are at this stage, optimistic that things will run to schedule.
Torbay Challenge
Our PTA are busy working hard on organising our major fundraising event for the year. This event will be a sponsored obstacle course that the children can choose to be involved in. We hope to make this a school and community picnic day here at school and ask you to put aside the 2nd of November to bring along your family, a blanket and a picnic. We will be having entertainment on our outdoor stage and a number of other activities happening alongside the obstacle course. More information about the sponsorship arrangements will come home next week.
This has been a wonderful term and the school has been full of energy. Every time I’ve walked into a classroom or around a corner there was another great activity going on. Thank you to our outstanding staff for making our school a special place and thank you to you all for your support of everything we do here at Torbay School. Have a very happy and safe holiday period.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Xavier G, Connor F & Olivia L Rm 10, Claire J & Michelle H Rm 22, Aria J Rm 23 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Charlie & Max E Rm 5, Toby & Johny Rm 17, Kai & Lily Rm 18, Rachel & Indie Rm 21 Well done!!
Yummy Sticker Collection Sheet Certificates: Edith Rm 12, Elliot & Mayer B Ka Pai guys!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 30th October @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next PTA meeting is on Monday 4th November at 7.30pm, email Megan Sadler at for venue details. New members welcome. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 18th November @ 9.30am in the staffroom.
2020 ENROLMENTS: If your child or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone and who is turning 5 next year please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
2020 OUT OF ZONE ENROLMENTS: Enrolment at Torbay School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office. The Board has determined that three (3) places are likely to be available for Out of Zone Year 1 New Entrant enrolments next year.
CLOSING DATE for Year 1/New Entrant Out of Zone Applications is Wednesday 25 September 2019 and the BALLOT DATE will be Friday 18 October 2019 (if required).
PLEASE NOTE: The Board of Trustees will not consider any late out of zone applications for Year 1 New Entrant students starting in 2020 which have not been received before 25 September 2019. If you have a child who is turning 5 next year with a sibling who currently attends student Torbay School and you are considering moving out of zone, please URGENTLY contact the office
CHANGE OF DETAILS – If you have moved house or have new contact details, or if your child has a new medical condition or older issues which have changed or are no longer a problem, please advise us so we can update our records.
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 6 – Books have now gone home.
END OF TERM MUFTI DAY & PTA SAUSAGE SIZZLE – Friday 27th September. Sausages need to be ordered through our online shop. Please see flyers in the PTA section for more information. The mufti day theme is Rugby World Cup! More information will come home next week about this.
LOST PROPERTY – is located in the corridor between the hall and room 1, there are A LOT of fleeces in there, therefore please take the time to have a look through if you are missing a jumper.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP OPEN TERM 4 – The second hand uniform shop will be open in the hall between 8.30am – 8.55am and 3pm – 3.30pm on Thurs 17th October, Thurs 14th November & Thurs 12th December. If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate please drop them at the school office.
TORBAY SCHOOL HEALTH and PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUESTIONNAIRE 2019 – Please click on this link to fill out the questionnaire. Thank you in advance for taking the time to support the development of the Health and PE Curriculum at Torbay School.
In order to deliver our Waterwise programme we rely heavily on parents, grandparents and whānau to come and help instruct. Without these volunteers we would not be able to continue running Waterwise. Every year we lose parents/volunteers due to their children going on to Intermediate and therefore need to train new instructors in Term 1 and 4. This is to let you know that the Term 4 course is going to commence in Term 4 of 2019. We have available places for this upcoming course. The proposed dates are:
Theory night:
Monday 14th October 6.30pm-9pm Awatuna Scout Den at Waiake
Practical Sessions:
Wednesday 16th October 9am-3pm Waiake Beach
Thursday 17th October 9am-3pm Waiake Beach
Save day option of having the Friday 18th October in case of cancellation due to weather or needing more time on the water .
Exam Day: Saturday 19th October 8.30am – finish Waiake Beach
This course will take place at Awatuna Scout Den in Torbay and Waiake Beach. If you would like to take part in this training can you please collect a notice from the office, fill in the form and return it by the 20th September.
If you have any further questions please feel free to email
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell.
- MEASLES: Auckland is experiencing an unprecedented Measles outbreak. From 1 January 2019 to 5 September 2019 there has been 1366 confirmed cases of measles notified across New Zealand. 1137 of these confirmed cases are in the Auckland region. If you’re feeling sick, you should stay away from work, school or public places, to help prevent putting other people at risk. If you or a family member suspect you have measles you should stay at home and call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or your doctor to alert them of your symptoms. If you have measles it is important to avoid spreading it to others in the waiting room. For more information please click here Here is a link with information about measles in Korean and a link with information about measles in Chinese
- INFLUENZA: Influenza – or the flu – is a virus that spreads quickly from person to person. Symptoms include fever, chills, aches, runny nose, a cough and stomach upset. If you think your child has the flu please consult your doctor and keep them home until they are well. For more info click here
- STREP THROAT: There have been a few cases of Strep throat at school recently. Strep Throat is contagious, therefore, if you are concerned that your child has Strep Throat please see your doctor. For more information visit health/strep-throat
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- HIGH TEMPERATURES: For more information about fevers Click here
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.

So much has happened in the Torbay School sporting scene in the last 2 weeks! We finished the Y6 winter netball season with a carnival which was lots of fun for players, parents, coaches and teachers. All the players got a chance to umpire a game as well which was a welcomed experience. The parents team smashed the teachers team and as it was refereed by 2 New Zealand national netball umpires we can only say that teachers have a lot of training to do!
Y2-5 Netball teams had they celebration on Saturday 7/9 at Pinehurst School with fun games and dress ups. Torbay School was represented by 9 teams and 3 of them were nominated for best effort, fair play and sportsmanship awards. These teams are invited to Kidzplay netball prize-giving ceremony. Well done!
The registration deadline for Spring Netball is TOMORROW and the teams are being sorted and named. We have had a great response with 70 children participating and are especially pleased with our Y1 and Y2 children who are giving it a go for the 1st time.
Our Y5/6 advanced hockey team as well as our Y3/4 team have achieved and amazing results and finished at the top of their grade. The Y5/6 Development team only missed the top spot by a technicality. We wish to express our gratitude to all the coaches and managers, we couldn’t have done this without you!
Summer hockey registrations close TOMORROW. We really encourage any new players who would like to give hockey a go to sign up. The season is shorter (6 weeks), the weather is better and it is a great opportunity to get a ‘feel’ for the sport.
The Touch rugby season will kick off in the 1st week of term 4. Thank you for registering and paying the fee. The teams have now been registered with local touch and we are awaiting confirmation of venues and the draw.The draw will be emailed out to all the teams as soon as it comes out.
Little League, Miniball and Basketball have a little interruption of their trainings because of the production in the hall but they are making the most of our outside basketball court.
Due to team numbers our Flippaball had a tough term as Torbay teams were put into higher grades than usual. The children played their hardest and improved hugely undeterred by all the challenging games. If you would like to give Flippaball a go the registrations for term 4 are still open.
To make things easier we have changed the way how to register for sports at Torbay School. This can now be done on KINDO (our shop) – register and pay at one spot, at the same time.
Helpful websites:,,,
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic, our Sports Co-ordinator, or visit our website
Basketball – Torbay Kiwis: Bede T (6 Sept & 13 Sept)
Miniball Torbay Swish: Izzy O, Eddie M & Lydia A
Miniball – Torbay Clippers: Harper G (10 Sept)
Miniball – Torbay Tornadoes: Kay Z (10 Sept)
Little League – Torbay Bulls: Rhys G (15 Aug) Toby M (29 Aug) Louis R (5 Sept) Reeve B (12 Sept)
BADMINTON NORTH HARBOUR – After School programme back in Term 4 starting from October 15th. We will be organising some match play for the students, please see below: This programme is being held at three different locations – Harcourts Cooper & Co North Harbour Badminton Centre, Apollo Badminton Centre & Orewa Badminton Centre.
Harcourts Cooper & Co North Harbour Badminton Centre,
47 Bond Crescent, Forrest Hill
3.30-5pm on every Tuesdays
3.30-5pm on every Thursdays
From Oct 15th – Dec 12th 2019.
Apollo Badminton Centre,
46 Apollo Drive, Mairangi Bay
3.30-5pm on every Tuesdays
From Oct 15th – Dec 10th 2019
Orewa Badminton Centre,
4-5.30pm on every Wednesdays
From Oct 16th – Dec 11th 2019.
Who: 7-17 years old
Cost: FREE
What to Bring: Just bring yourself (we will be providing racquets and shuttles)
Also, students will need to fill out an online form, see below: