Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou
Last Friday night saw our hall invaded by children dressed up in all manner of costumes at our Term 3 disco. Our numbers seem to grow as each disco is held. Thank you for your support of these events, they are great social opportunities for the children and contribute to our overall fundraising for the year.
A huge thank you to our PTA who organise the disco. A lot of work goes in to ensuring that the event runs smoothly. Particular thanks to the parents who volunteer on the night to help supervise, run the parent’s room and man the front of house. Without you these events would just not be possible.
Our learning conversations were very well supported last week, and I enjoyed moving through the classrooms talking to parents and hearing the conversations going on between children and parents. We are currently reviewing our reporting and assessment processes and are interested in our parent’s and caregiver’s perspective on our learning conversations. We will be sending out a feedback survey specifically around these conversations as part of that review. We are very interested in what you think and look forward to your responses.
The preparations and practice for our production are well underway. Your children should be working in a group or with their class on some aspect of the production. Please also feel free to offer assistance as there will be many tasks that need completing as we move closer to the production date.
The detailed design phase of our new building is progressing well and the start date for building remains for late in term 4. Please take a look at the images and plans on display in the foyer. We are very pleased with the outcomes and I am really looking forward to watching the building take shape.
We are in week 3 of this term and I have to say it is the busiest term I have experienced since becoming Principal at Torbay. It is fabulous to see so much happening at our school and wonderful to see so many parents and caregivers involved. Our teachers and deputy principals are fabulous, they are all working to capacity with the number of extracurricular activities we have happening at school and yet day in and day out they continue to deliver interesting effective programmes in our classrooms. This fabulosity also extends to our support staff, whether it be teacher aides, admin staff, classroom assistants or our property staff they all go way beyond their job descriptions to provide a quality education to our children.
We are very lucky!
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Dar N Rm 9, Ari A & Brody G Rm 21, Jack O Rm 22, Brayden G & Elise B Rm 24 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Thomas & Aodhan Rm 1, Paige & Rei Rm 2, Damian & Drico Rm 3, Stephen & Kohl Rm 4, Max & Blaine Rm 5, Jayden & Holly Rm 6, Max & Sophie Rm 7, Caleb & Izzy Rm 8, Louis & Tom Rm 9, Salesi & John Rm 10, Sophie & Ava Rm 11, Laine & Joni Rm 12, Tom & Flynn Rm 13, Tong Tong & Liam Rm 14, Theo Rm 15, Lara & Matthew Rm 16, Jerry & Alina Rm 17, David & Wendy Rm 18, Grace & Zavia Rm 19, Charlotte & Alex Rm 21, Daniel & Jaxon Rm 23, Sienna, Warren & Luca Rm 24, Connor & Annabelle Rm 25 Well done!!
MOTUIHE Y4 TEAM PRESENTS – WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY this will be held TOMORROW @2pm in the hall. All welcome!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 14th August @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 26th August at 9.30am in the Staffroom.
PARENT HELPER TRAINING – is on Tuesday 20th August at 9am in the staffroom. Under the new Health & Safety legislation all parent helpers will need to complete an initial parent helper training session and sign a Health & Safety Procedure each year. Thanks for your support in this area. Reminder -all parents who come to school during the school day 8.55-3.00 must sign in at the office.
PHOTOLIFE SPORT TEAMS PHOTO SHOOT – Tuesday 20th August, PhotoLife will be here to take photos of all our Torbay School Sports teams on Tuesday 20th August. Children are to bring their sports uniform to school on this day. If you are a coach or manager and wish to be in the photo please let the office know.
CLASSIFICATION DATE FOR OUR YEAR 1 STUDENTS We are currently researching the idea of changing the classification date for our year 1 children. We are interested in hearing from all parents at different levels across our school community. We would appreciate your thoughts and opinions, please click here to complete this short survey.
ENROLMENT AT NORTHCROSS INTERMEDIATE FOR YEAR 6 CHILDREN: A Parent Information Evening will take place on Wednesday 21st August from 6pm at Northcross Intermediate and Torbay School has been allocated Tuesday 27th August between 7.30am and 10.00am and 3.00pm to 6.00pm as their enrolment time. A notice was sent home with the Year 6 children, giving full details of the enrolment events.
ENROLMENTS 2019/20 – If your child, (or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone) and is turning 5 within the next 12 months, please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
TERM 3 LEARNING CONVERSATIONS – CELEBRATING LEARNING: Thank you to all of those that attended the learning conversations last week! It is always a very special time sharing learning with our whānau . We hope you enjoyed it.
JUMP JAM COMPETITION RESULTS – Congratulations to the Torbay Dance Queens, coming 1st place in the Year 4-8 division of the Regional Jump Jam Competition! Also a HUGE KA PAI to the Torbay Dance Royals who placed 2nd in the Year 4-8 ALL STARS division. Well done guys!
- 1st Place – Y4-8 Jump Jam Comp
- 2nd Place – Y4-8 All Stars Comps
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR: Thank you to all that purchased books from our Book Fair last week. We raised over $600.00 that will go towards purchasing valuable book resources for our school! Ka Pai!
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 5. Closing date for orders is TOMORROW at 3pm. Orders can be done online at Thank you for your support. Every order helps the school get valuable resources for our Library.
GARDEN TO TABLE – VOLUNTEERS WANTED Volunteers are an integral part of the Garden to Table Programme. They work closely with small groups of children to answer questions, encourage, monitor and oversee activities, while keeping the children on track with tasks. Volunteers can be parents, caregivers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or next door neighbours. Anyone from within our school or local community who is keen to contribute their time and enthusiasm. No special skills are needed, other than an interest in Garden to Table, and an enjoyment from working with children. We recently had our first harvest from our garden, which was very exciting!
If you or anyone you know would be interested in being part of our Garden to Table journey we would love to hear from you. Garden to Table runs on Wednesdays from 9am – 12:30pm with our Y6 students. For more information about the programme please visit
Please contact Vanessa Mitschak at if you are able to help us.
NED’s Mindset Mission is a positive behaviour assembly that visited our school yesterday! A world-class performer took our students on a 45-minute journey filled with storytelling, illusions, yo-yo tricks and humour. NED’s message and memorable friends inspired our students, promoted academic achievement, and supported our school goals. NED will become a positive role model at both school and at home.
Our school received this assembly at no-cost because another school community has paid-it-forward to us. Now it’s our turn—you can help by purchasing a NED-messaged yo-yo and accessories. A yo-yo is both a mindset tool and tangible reminder of NED’s message. While learning to yo, children will make mistakes, try again, and improve. Read more at
Yo-yos available from the school office 8.30-8.55am Friday, Mon, Tues and Wednesday mornings
WALKING SCHOOL BUS – We’re looking to develop our school Walking School Bus, in particular the Deep Creek walking route (coming from the Torbay shops end) and a new route on Weatherly Rd. If you’re interested in your child/ren walking on either of these routes, please get in touch with Keryn Grogan on
SCHOOL LUNCHROOM – IMPORTANT NOTICE The lunchroom will be closed on the 4th, 5th and 6th September, re-opening Wednesday 11th September.
LOST PROPERTY is located in the corridor between Room 1 and the Media room (by the hall).
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on the following dates: Thursday 22nd August and 19th September from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office.
YUMMY STICKERS Thanks to all those families who have supported our collection of yummy stickers, which enable the school to receive free sports equipment. This years’ Yummy sticker collection is due to end at the end of August. If you have any forms please bring them into the office (even if they aren’t full). But don’t stop there, pick up another sheet from the office so we can get a head start on 2020!!
DROP OFF ZONE: We have had a large number of complaints about parking around the school area. Please note: The Drop-off Zone is a two minute stop only which means NO PARKING. Please DO NOT park and take your child into school. If your child requires assistance to get into school, then please park on the road.
- School neighbours driveways must be clear and not parked across
- No parking on yellow lines or grass verges
- The Police have been informed and will issue tickets
- Please be courteous to other drivers when using the drop off zone.
SCHOOL ABSENCES – Please remember to contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.
You can do this by one of the following:
Phone: 473 8603 Ext 1
Skoolbag App: Download here
Website: Report an Absence form. Click here
HEALTH ROOM REMINDERS – Please do not send any children to school who are unwell, this helps to prevent spreading infection throughout the school.
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- HIGH TEMPERATURES: For more information about fevers Click here
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
If your child has been into the health room recently needing a change of clothes, please wash and return these items promptly. We are very low on pants in all sizes. Alternatively you can pop a spare set in your child(rens) bag too to help resolve this shortage.
It’s all happening in Torbay School sport’s world! Hockey and netball teams are well into their season and are achieving great results every week. The games are thrilling to watch and the children have come a long way, improving their individual skills and gelled nicely within their teams.
Flippaball teams started their training and games and despite some teams being new to this sport, they are working hard and giving it their best.
Little League, Miniball and Basketball trainings are also in progress. Some games have already been played and some will follow by the end of this week. These will continue weekly until December. We wish all the teams the very best and don’t forget to have lots and lots of fun.
Next week Torbay School will participate in Winter Sports Day and we look forward to a full day of games on Thursday 15th of August at Kristin School.
Touch rugby season is nearly upon us with games starting in week 1 of term 4. Registrations are now open on our Torbay School website. Children in years 1-6 can participate.
Follow the steps below to register.
- Fill a registration form via Torbay School website –click here
- Pay via SHOP on our website.
Please complete registration and make payment by Wednesday 14th August 2019. For more information visit
Thank you once again to all our whānau for supporting your children, having them at the games and trainings on time and to our coaches for their time, encouragement, dedication and sweet treats after the games.
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic, our Sports Co-ordinator, or visit our website
Miniball – Torbay Tornadoes: Kay Z (6 Aug)
Flippaball – Dolphins: Alexandra S
Flippaball – Megalodons: Millie M
Netball – Torbay Sharks: Player of the day: Tayla A, Sportsmanship: Holly M (27 Jul) & Player of the day: Imogen A, Sportsmanship: Loren B (3 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Dolphins: Player of the day: Codi R, Sportsmanship: Maya D (27 Jul) & Player of the day: Abby G, Sportsmanship: Anya K (3 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Tuis: Player of the day: Kaylene L, Sportsmanship: Eva A (3 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Keas: Player of the Day: Sienna L Sportsmanship:Elsie B (27 Jul) & Player of the Day: Elsa L Sportsmanship: Ceci R (3 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Comets: Albert J (24 Jul), Bede T (31 Jul) & Maddison K (7 Aug)