Tēnā Koutou

As many of you will know one of our families experienced a devastating house fire last Friday. Thank you to all those people who have rallied around to help them out in various ways. The family are currently looking for rental accommodation in the area. If there is anybody in our community that can help them, please contact me through the school office or by email.

Torbay School is a member of the Oneroa Kāhui Ako. The Kāhui Ako is a group of 7 schools in our area that represent the pathway for education in our area. The Schools involved are Long Bay College, Northcross Intermediate, Glamorgan Primary, Long Bay Primary, Sherwood Primary, Oteha Valley School and Torbay School. As a group we are working together to further develop our capabilities to ensure that we are all developing in similar ways and building on the strengths that each of our schools have.

Each school has teachers who are employed as part of their contract to work in delivering the vision and goals of the Kāhui Ako. In our School we currently have three teachers who hold such positions:

Vanessa Mitschak as an Across School Lead (ASL)

Sarah Kilkolly as a Within School Lead (WSL)

Linda Urwin as a Within School Lead (WSL)

Janet Pinchen (Glamorgan School) and Rose Neal (Oteha Valley School) have recently taken over the leadership of the Kāhui Ako and today have provided a newsletter updating us on recent developments. Please take the time to read it as the Kāhui Ako is a significant development in our local education landscape and our three teachers involved have played a significant role in its development to date.

Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien

My email address is [email protected]