Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
As we head towards the end of the year we are faced with a very abnormal set of circumstances and our processes will be quite different from our normal year end.
Reports: As we have been unable to assess our children in the way we would normally at this time of year we will be reporting to you via an end of year certificate that will include a final general comment reflecting some of the strengths your child has displayed during this year. This certificate is a celebration of your child and the way they have confronted a very difficult period. They will be handed out on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th of December and those children who are not at school will be able to collect them on our Drop Off and Pick Up Day (see below) on Saturday the 11th of December.
The children’s academic achievement levels will be reviewed by teachers and where we have seen obvious movement in children’s achievement, we will alter this for next year’s teacher. This will provide a profile for each child so our teachers have a view of their approximate levels to help plan the 2022 programme. It has been pleasing to see from our anecdotal observations that many of the children have made progress over the lockdown period and have returned to school well.
Year 6 Graduation: Our Year 6 graduation will take place here at school on the mornings of 13th and 14th of December. This will only be attended by the children and will be followed by a celebration lunch and fun afternoon. Our intention is to record the events for parents to view. More detailed information will follow in a letter to the parents of Year 6 children.
Drop Off and Pick Up Day: We have loaned a large number of devices to our community and would like these returned to school on Saturday 11th of December. The school will be open from 9 am – 12 pm on this day. This will also provide you with an opportunity to drop off any other school property such as reading books handed out with hard packs, sports gear being held by team coaches and any other equipment or resources you may have at home. This day will also provide you with the opportunity to collect any personal belongings your child may have left at school and if your child is learning from home you can collect your child’s celebration certificate.
We will provide you with a link to a booking system so that we ensure we do not have too many people on site at any given time. We ask that only one parent accompanies the children (no siblings), that you wear a mask and that while on site you maintain a 2 metre distance from other people.
Online Learning: Our online learning programme will end on Friday 10th December.
Student Leaders: Normally at this time of year we would go through a process to appoint student leaders for the next year. This process will not take place this year. We are currently reviewing the student leader system and will finalise that review at the beginning of the new school year.
Staffing: I am pleased to announce the appointments of Nikki MacBeth as the new leader of Year 0/1 for 2022, Nic Davis as the leader of Year 2 and Vanessa Mitschak as the leader of Year 6.
I would like to thank Linda Urwin for her work as leader of Year 6 for a number of years. Linda has decided to step back from leadership next year. Her contribution has been immense, and she has guided her team with skill and empathy providing both young and experienced teachers with terrific leadership. Linda continues as a Year 6 teacher in 2022.
I would also like to thank Vanessa Mitschak for the work she has carried out as an across school lead for the Kāhui Ako for the past 4 years. Vanessa has had a significant impact on our understanding of what a culturally responsive school looks like and has implemented practices across the Kāhui Ako that have created a climate of change in our schools.
I am also pleased to announce the appointments of Todd Goodman, Cathie Wharemate, Chrysi Toerien and Danielle Thompson who will join our teaching team for 2022. Todd and Chrysi will take up fulltime classroom roles while Cathie and Danielle will fulfil classroom release roles. We also welcome back Alyce Debenham from maternity leave.
Please see a table below with our classroom organisation for 2022.
Whānau Tiritiri | Room 11 Nikki MacBeth | Room 12 Vicky Crossman |
Room 13 Todd Goodman | Room 14 Kylie Wilson | |
Room 15 Sam Boriboun | Room 16 Mandy Walenkamp | |
Whānau Rangitoto | Room 3 Claire Kelly | Room 4 Chrysi Toerien |
Room 5 Nic Davis | Room 6 Sophie Hales Owen | |
Whānau Kawau | Room 7 Lorelle Koya | Room 8 Paulette Noone |
Room 9 Joanne Northover | Room 10 Annika Jaimeson | |
Whānau Motuhie | Room 19 Graham Eales | Room 20 Megan McIntosh |
Room 21 Ingrid Cooper | Room 22 Melissa Craig | |
Whānau Waiheke | Room 17 Renee Heasley | Room 18 Alyce Debenham |
Room 23 Jen Dawe | Room 24 Lachlan Freeland | |
Whānau Rakino | Room 25 Jack Coyle | Room 26 Linda Urwin |
Room 27 Vanessa Mitschak | ||
Final Days for 2021: Planning and Moving Days: As is our tradition school will close at 12.30pm on the 15th and 16th of December being the final days for our two groups.
On the 15th and 16th of December we will be moving classrooms and spending time planning and preparing for the new school year. While the school will be open on these two days until 12.30pm, we would appreciate (if you are able), that you keep your children at home on those days to make this process more manageable for our staff. There is much to do!
Our Final Weeks! I thank you for your continued support. We have today received notification that there will be no change to schooling as we move into the traffic light system and so look forward to a stable period as we work towards the end of the year.
Please do not hesitate to contact me on any topic.
Stay Safe and take care!
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received online certificates from their class teachers: Theo, Charles, Marly, Kiara K, Jesse, Mitchell, Yara, Charneli Rm 1, Elvis, Connor, Esme, Mila, Kiara B, Cara, Annabelle, Cody Rm 2, Louis, Baxter, Yvonne, Taymon, Liam, Indi, Maddie, Victoria Rm 3, Sofia, Lucia-Grace, Liam, Emma, Xavier, Toby, Yulia, Luca Rm 4, Cara, Liam, Chenggou, Jasmine, Dylan, Odelia, Max, Alyza Rm 5, Allie, Lucca, Ellie, Jimin, Jacob, Mia, Lachlan, Madeleine Rm 6, Ella, Jarvis, Jay, Ethan, Hunter, Sophie, Tia, Laine Rm 7, Archer, Avleen, Brody, Mila, Roseleen, Max, Charlie Rm 8, Owen, Shijie, Riley, Jack, Matthew, Lexi, Ethan, Neva Rm 9, Sam, Martin, Annabel, Tom Rm 10, Evelyn, Jack, Arthur, Bella, Riley, Indigo, Jackson, Kaysen, Jacob, Miles, William, Madeline, Ben, Lauren, Lochlin, Peter, Rm 11, Leandri, Theo, Levi, Bronson, Jack, Varleen Rm 13, Henna, Indie, Isabelle, Charlie, Coby, Peyton Rm 14, Isaac, Emma, Anora, Teo, Zion, Ella, Ludwig, Peyton Rm 15 Charlie, Amelie, Josefina, Indie, Irene, Jake Amelie, Alfie H, Jasper Rm 16, Kaylene, Taina, Kayleb, Galina, Joshua, Ashley, Niamh, Paige Rm 17, Cameron, India, Oliver, Jonathan, Eli, Morne’, Zane, Milan Rm 19, Nadia, Marcus, Amelie, Cruze, Tom, Matthew, Lachlan, Luca Rm 20, Benji, Alex, Alan, Charlotte, Cody, Hannah, Thomas, Clarie Rm 21, Isaiah, Oliver B, Rowan, Marlon, Hollie, Brooke, Tyler, Toma Rm 22, Zirah, Freya, Brody, Sammy, Mackai, Ceci, Rm 24, Paige, William, Sophie V, John, Zayra, Johanna, Kaelin, Xavier Rm 25, Jaime, Max, Eddie, Finn, Izzy, Baxter, Jack, Barry, Chrislou, Jackson Rm 26, Hazel, Cooper, Corey, Ashton, Capri Rm 28 Ka pai!!
Devices and Resources Return / Collection Day – Saturday 11 December 2021 9am to Midday
We have set up an online booking system for you to go ahead and book a suitable time between 9am-12pm on Saturday 11 December for you to come with your student to collect your child’s personal belongings from class and to return any school resources (library books, class readers, lockdown hard pack readers, devices etc).
Bookings are 15 minutes long and you can book all your children in the one time slot as this morning is an opportunity to return or collect items, it is not a time to discuss or catchup with teachers/other whānau on site.
School issued Hard Packs and Devices have been recorded on our database. To ensure these are marked off correctly please:
- Laptops and Ipads – ensure these are returned with their chargers/cords.
- Hard Packs – Readers are returned in a plastic bag clearly stating their name and room number. You can keep the other pages.
We have strict protocols that need to be followed at Torbay School:
- Scan the QR code at EACH of your children’s classroom entrance.
- All parents and Year 4-6 students must wear masks while on school premises.
- Only our Torbay School students and one parent/caregiver to come onto school grounds (sorry no siblings).
- Please be prompt for your booked time and leave our school premises immediately when you have completed the return/collection process.
- Our grounds (including playgrounds, turf, courts) remain closed.
To book, simply access the School Interviews website, type in the school code 9xxva and arrange a suitable time to drop off/pick up from your child’s classroom.
Follow the steps:
- Enter your details – email address and each of your children’s details
- Enter your child’s year level and select the teacher’s name for each child
- Choose a suitable time.
2021/2022 ENROLMENTS – If your child, or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone, and they are turning 5 next year, please urgently complete an enrolment application available from our website (or at the school office when back in Level 2). If your child/ren are not returning to Torbay School next year (excluding Y6 learners moving to Intermediate), please inform the school office in writing to
PHOTOLIFE SPORT TEAM/GROUPS PHOTO SHOOT – Unfortunately this has been cancelled for this year.
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK CLUB ISSUE 8 – closes TODAY at 3pm if you wish to place an order and receive FREE DELIVERY to the school please order online via the LOOP platform. Orders after this date can still be placed, however you will need to pay a home delivery fee. Orders are expected to be delivered before the end of term.
HATS & SUNBLOCK- Hats are now compulsory for students to play outside in the playground. Please ensure all hats are named. New school hats are available from Janbells, Mairangi Bay and the school office. As the weather heats up this summer, please remember to sunblock your children every morning. Thanks for your support of being Sun Safe.
LUNCHROOM –The Lunchroom is closed until further notice.
ALL SCHOOL LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE BACK – In order for us to start our end of year stocktake please return your school library books to your classroom returns box or on Saturday 11th Dec (booking required for the Saturday). Thank you.
YUMMY STICKERS – Don’t forget to keep collecting your yummy stickers over the holidays. Collecting Yummy Stickers provides free sports equipment for the school. Once you have completed a sheet, please send them in with your child to give to their teacher.
SCHOOL POOL KEYS – Unfortunately due to Covid we have made the tough decision not to open the pool to the public this side of Christmas. Therefore pool keys will not be on sale for 2021. We will keep you informed if we do decide to open the pool in 2022 to the public to use.
via Zoom. Eight one hourly sessions, weekly at a time convenient to you, available evenings.
Topics covered include Communication, Empathy, Setting Limits, Quality
Time, Consequences, Choices, Redirection, Pick your battles with your
child, Problem Behaviour, Praise vs Acknowledgement, Time In vs Time
Out, The Pause, Erickson’s Stages of Growth, Personality Types and how
it affects your children. WINZ funding assistance where eligible.
Contact: brigid@nextchapterparenting.
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.