Torbay School’s Exciting New 12 Classroom Development is starting next week!
Our new 12 classroom block is scheduled to start next week and be completed by the end of this year. Once our new block has been completed rooms 17 – 25 will be removed from the site and this land will be returned to a field and a redesigned school entrance and car park. The building will be positioned on the northern side of the playground where the middle and senior school playgrounds were. The area will be fenced off including the majority of the Deep Creek Road Car Park.
There will be an increase of vehicles and decrease in parking, which means this is a good time to think about how to get your children to and from school safely.
GATES: We have three gate entrances into our school (see map). These have been provided by the Ministry of Education and will be shut when the school crossing monitors come in each morning. Parents, please keep the gates shut during school hours (8.55am to 3pm). If you are dropping your child late to school (i.e. after the bell at 8.55am) please walk them into the grounds as they may have difficulty opening them themselves.
If your child is late to school, students need to go to the office to notify them that they are late.
PICK UP AND DROP OFF ZONE: The pick up and drop off zone is for parents and caregivers to use. Please do not leave your car. This is for a quick stop, parking on the left hand side only. Do not park on the yellow line as this endangers the children by crossing in between cars. At the end of the pick up and drop of zone you can only turn left. NO RIGHT TURN
There is no car park available for parents to use before and after school. We encourage you to park along the road away from the school and walk with your child to and from school. Alternatively arrange to meet your child at a point away from the school to avoid congestion.
SCHOOL CROSSINGS: There are two pedestrian crossings located on Deep Creek Road and Alexander Ave. Trained Year 6 students and a parent or teacher support people across the crossings between 8.30 and 8.55am. In the afternoon from 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please be a good role model by using the crossing and not to cross the road at other areas.
Next Wednesday is the Auckland wide Walk to School Day where we are encouraging as many people as possible to join in and walk to school that day, please see this link for further details and a registration link for participants https://at.govt.
John Meeske Seminar 2
Following on from the first, popular teenage resilience seminar held earlier this month, we now present to you with the second in the series, ‘Mind over mood’ – led by Counsellor John Meeske (supported by the Oneroa Kāhui Ako) on March 17. Everyone is invited along and you don’t need to have attended the first session to come to this one.
Seminar 2: March 17, 2020, 7pm-8pm
Topic: ‘Mind over mood’
Location: Glamorgan School
Cost: Entry is by gold coin donation
Bookings: Please email Mr Tim Spratt:[email protected]
About the seminar:
As part of the ongoing series about ‘Growing Resilience’, this seminar examines the impact our thoughts have on our moods. John looks at strategies for helping to manage our moods using the latest cognitive (mind) techniques and will share important insights from his therapeutic background.
The seminar covers:
- Resilience and self-control
- What is self-esteem really?
- Stinking thinking
- Being proactive
- Cognitive flexibility