Thank you very much to everyone who was able to attend our sports information evening. 

We hope that you found it informative and that the sport at Torbay School will grow even more this year.

Also thank you to all the people who already registered their children for sport in the requested time frame. This helps hugely with the formation of the teams and their registration with the appropriate sporting organisations.

Registrations for following sports are now closed:

Flippaball (Y5/6), Little League (Y1/2), Miniball (Y3/4) and Basketball (Y5/6).

We are finalising the teams now and will email them out by the end of the week. We are hoping that the draw for these sports will also be available by then. Thank you for your patience. 

Registrations are now open for the following sports (KINDO):

Hockey (Y3-6), Netball (Y1-6).

Without parent/caregivers volunteering to coach and/or manage, we wouldn’t be able to offer any of these sporting opportunities to our students. We are still short of coaches for flippaball, basketball and little league. We would greatly appreciate it if you could help out, even on a shared basis with another parent. THANK YOU.

If you need more information about any of the sporting codes offered at Torbay School please visit these very helpful and informative websites: – Flippa Ball, East Coast Bays Sports League Facebook Page for info about little league, miniball and basketball,,, and

our website

Thank you again for all your support so far and we look forward to the first training sessions and games.

Kind regards,

Monika Benkovic – Sports Co-ordinator

[email protected]