Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou
Tomorrow we will hold a mufti day in support of the Muslim families who lost loved ones in Christchurch last Friday. The enormity of this event is only surpassed by the sadness that has enveloped our country. I know the Torbay community will join me in expressing our grief and heartfelt condolences to those who have been directly affected by this tragedy.
Our care values continue to come to mind when thinking about this atrocity. It emphasises the importance of teaching our students to show respect and aroha for others, their cultures and religions.
Please support our small effort to stand beside the Muslim community of Christchurch.
He waka eke noa, We are all in this together.
In the past two weeks our year 4,5 and 6 children attended outdoor education camps. These camps were some of the most inclusive camps I have seen. A huge effort was made to ensure all children were involved regardless of their abilities and need. I acknowledge the work all our staff, including teacher aides put into these camps.
I would also like to thank our parents for their tireless support of our camps. It was terrific to see you all working alongside our staff to support your children. Ngā mihi nui.
It’s wonderful to witness the range of activities happening around the school in any given week. This is a tribute to the creativity of our teachers as they develop rich and interesting programmes for our children. On Tuesday, our year 2 children spent the day at Waiake Beach working with the Conscious Kids instructors, developing skills such as collaboration and creativity. They had a fabulous time and from the accounts I have heard, gained alot from the day.
Next week we have our Learning Conversations – Goal Setting evenings, please ensure you book in and take this opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher and set some agreed goals for the year.
Most days at 3pm I spend 15 minutes in our drop off bay ensuring our children make the bus and unfortunately on some evenings policing the traffic in the drop of zone. Most people obey the rules, park in the right place and move forward whenever they can to allow others to arrive at the back of the queue.
Unfortunately some take enormous risks with our children’s lives please take note of the guidelines below they may save your child’s life:
Please do not enter the drop off area unless your whole car can do so. Do not leave the rear end of your car hanging out into Alexander Rd intersection.
Please move as far forward in the queue as you can, to collect your child.
Do not leave your car unattended. (Before or after school)
Tell your children to get to the drop off zone quickly after school.
Move on quickly. (It is not a time for a quiet chat with someone else or your child) Others are waiting.
Do not park on the outer side of the zone on the dotted yellow lines.
Do not turn right as you exit.
Have patience.
Other things you could do instead of bringing your car to school.
Use the walking school bus.
Have your children walk home.
Walk to school and walk home with your children.
We have also had instances of people abusing others when picking up and dropping off children. We have a big school and there are a large number of cars waiting each afternoon to collect students. Please have patience and set a good example for your children, they are watching and learning from you.
Please also obey the parking rules in the surrounding roads, they are there for good reasons.
I know that I am only talking to a very few people, but these things must unfortunately be said.
In saying all of this I do enjoy the interaction I have with parents each afternoon as I do my duty. It is wonderful to see the happy faces and thank you to those who take the opportunity to have a couple of words.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following student who shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Ishmaiah K Rm 9. Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Bosco & Elsa Rm 2, Damian L & Drico S Rm3 , Catlin D & Cailean R Rm 5, Lawrence J, Naoto W, Max F & Izzy S Rm 7, Ruby B & Bill H Rm 8, Kaelin & Emilia Rm 9, Madison M, Ethan D, Tom P & Ethan P Rms 11 & 12, Ruby F & Neva T Rm 15, Joel & Mahera Rm 16, Ruby Q, Mayer B & Skye G Rm 17, Julie L & Shelby T Rm 18, Toby L, Kaila W, Alex M & Jagger C Rm 21 Isacc & Claire Rm 22, Reeve B & Kaitlyn B Rm 23, Kalani & Karissa Rm 24, Caleb, Bree & Mackai Rm 25 . Well done everyone!
WATERWISE POSTPONED TOMORROW Due to an incident at Waiake Beach yesterday, we are going to postpone Waterwise as a mark of respect to our community. Our thoughts go out to the family and friends affected by this tragedy. The proposed date is for the 1st April. This means that there will be 2 sessions of Waterwise that week. One on the Monday and one on the Friday. A notice has been sent home today with more information, however, if you are available to help on either of these days please contact Renee Heasley at
MEETINGS The next BOT meeting is Wednesday 27th March @ 7pm in the staffroom (please note date change). The next PTA meeting is Monday 1st April @ 7.30pm – for meeting location please contact Megan Sadler at
Information for Learning Conversations has come home earlier this week. Please make an appointment for you and your learner to meet with the classroom teacher.
2019 Goal Setting Learning Conversations
Tuesday 26 March (3.20pm to 5pm)
Wednesday 27 March (3.20pm to 6.30pm)
Thursday 28 March (3.20pm to 5pm)
These discussions are attended by both parents and the student. Appointments for Goal Setting are 10 minutes. Booking: You are able to book your learner Goal Setting Learning Conversation appointment via the website We appreciate that not everyone has access to the internet so please call Natasha Derksen on 473 8603 ext 0 between the hours of 8.30am to 3.30pm to arrange this. To book a Goal Setting Learning Conversation you simply access this website, type in the school code 8hwfv and arrange a suitable time to see the class teacher.
Follow the steps:
1. Enter your details – email address and each of your children’s details.
2. Select the teacher’s name for each child.
3. Choose a suitable time – remember to allow sufficient time between appointments to move to each classroom.
The system is very flexible and enables you to change your times, if your circumstances change. Bookings for Goal Setting Learning Conversations will close at 10am, Tuesday 26 March 2019. After this closure, please arrange appointments via the school office.
On Friday 1 March 2019 we were required to complete our Roll Return for the Ministry of Education. Please note that if your child was absent from school that day we require a note or email to the school office with an explanation.
Y5/6 CAMP Thank you to all the teachers, parent helpers and volunteers that help to make the 2019 camp a success, we really can’t do it without you!! Our tamariki had an amazing time and were exhausted afterwards! See the student voice and photos later in the newsletter.
We also have a large amount of lost property from the Y5/6 camp. This is your last chance to collect it! If it’s yours please come and pick it up, otherwise we will donate it to the clothing bin. Photos of the lost property below:
Y4 CAMP MAYNARD – Year 4 camp was a huge success. A big thank you to all the year 4 teachers, whānau and the wonderful students who made it such a fantastic experience. Here are some photos of the time spent there!
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on Wednesday 3rd April from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office. This is the last one for Term1. If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate, please bring them to the school office.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB ISSUE 2 – Lucky book orders close on Monday 25th March at 3pm. Every book purchased provides valuable resources and new books for our library. Thank you for supporting our school.
WHEELS DAY Wheels day is on for all Y1-4 learners on Friday unless Waterwise is cancelled. Wheels day includes all wheels ie Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/blades, NO BIKES PLEASE.
INSTANT NOTIFICATIONS – These come through on our SKOOLBAG APP such as event cancellations, school emergencies, etc along with general school notices. To install our school app, just search for “Torbay School” in either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and download (free) to your Android or iPhone or follow instructions from our website
If you leave school after the 8.55am bell, please be mindful that you close the gate behind you and ensure it shuts properly. Our Tamariki’s safety is paramount, so please adhere to this.
Also this term parking officers will be on patrol outside our school to issue tickets to those who are illegally parked.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell or have a fever. We have had recent cases of Impetigo (also known as school sores) and Chickenpox reported.
IMPETIGO: Any children with school sores must stay home until 24 hours after treatment with antibiotics has started or advised by your GP or Public Health Nurse.
CHICKENPOX: If you suspect your child has chickenpox, please consult your doctor. Children who have chickenpox must stay home for 1 week or until all blisters have dried.
VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
HEAD LICE: Check your children’s head for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
We are very pleased with the number of children who registered to play netball this coming season. We are hoping to have 2 teams in the Year 3 level and 3 teams in each of Years 4, 5 and 6 levels. We have finished our Y4-6 netball trials and are currently waiting to hear from Netball North Harbour adjudicators regarding their team recommendations. However, if your child missed information about netball and would like to play, please come and see Ms B, especially those in Year 2. We have 2 wonderful boys who signed up and we would really like more children to join the Year 2 group. And any other boys – we would be delighted to see more boys involved with netball.
The netball court resurfacing has been completed and the line marking will be done once the concrete has cured.
Torbay School teams are doing really well in Flippaball, Little League, Miniball and Basketball competitions. Thank you to all the coaches for giving up their time and their expertise in coaching the children. Thank you also to all parents for the encouragement given during games and having our players ready for their games and training on time.
A Hockey information letter was sent home last week and the registration link is now open on our website: – hockey – click on the link to register, click SHOP to pay. Winter hockey is open to Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children. We have had only small numbers of children showing interest currently – please consider this wonderful sport as the deadline to register our teams is fast approaching.
We held a first meeting with children who expressed their interest in rippa rugby. The primary schools rippa rugby tournament is open to children in Years 3-6 and spread over three Thursdays in terms 2 and 3, during school hours. We will be having more meetings with children from individual year levels to make sure nobody misses out.
At Torbay School we adhere to a Code of Conduct for players, coaches and parents. The codes talk about positive attitude and fair play. If you did not get a chance to read through them and sign one, could you please do so. You can find them on our website and return them to our school office, or to Monika Benkovic.
The annual Shore to Shore 5km fun run/walk is on Sunday 31st March 2019. Please consider supporting Torbay School while spending a fun Sunday morning together as a family.
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic,, Sports Co-ordinator or visit our website
On Wednesday 6 March we senior students began our camp adventure with fun activities at Long Bay Regional Park. There were games and a bush walk which were done in camp activity groups with parent help.
After lunch we travelled by bus to the amazing Carey Park in Swanson. Once we were settled in the challenging, exciting and sometimes nerve-wracking activities began.
We were at camp for three days and two nights. We were lucky that the sun shone for us most of the time so the groups were able to complete their activities. We did the best we could to get some sleep at night and recharge for the next day.
We have special memories- chillaxing down the flying fox, diving down the slip n slide, the freezing waterhole, the thrilling waterslide, collaborative raft making and sailing, and mind challenges in problem solving.
Friday came and we reluctantly returned to school, exhausted but so proud of what we had achieved.
Arlo, Isla, Nicolo and Cadence Rakino 18
Some quatrains about camp memories by Rakino 18
The waterhole had eels
I’d rather they weren’t there
It was a murky colour teal
I’d sooner swim with a teddy bear.
The slip’n slide was a blast
I zoomed down in a flash
I tripped and slipped so I came last
I fell and nearly had a crash.
I went down the slip ‘n slide
I splashed everyone in my way
As I slid I felt lots of pride
I had such an amazing day!
I just can’t seem to find
Where I put my crate
I don’t think people will mind
But my tower’s about to break!
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